Question: Does anyone know Novel's allowed object extensions? The same Q for Faxcom's extensions.
Background data relating to the question:
I created an application in 2003 which faxes an Access Report and attachment to persons stored in my Access tables. Although faxes are going out, there is too much user entry. I haven't figured out a way to pass the recipient's data (phone # etc.) through Groupwise into Faxcom.
I believe the problem has something to do with my lack of knowledge of the proper Groupwise extensions (i.e. *.bodyText, *.Subject, *.Recipients.ADD, *.Send, etc.)
For example:
Set objGWApp = CreateObject("NovellGroupWareSession")
Set objGWAcct = objGWApp.Login("")
Set objGWmsg = objGWAcct.MailBox.Messages
Set objGWmsg = objGWmsg.ADD()
A small portion of the replies in thread #438779 relate to this subject, but mostly that thread refers to Outlook and other fax applications. So I started this thread specific to Groupwise and Faxcom.
Background data relating to the question:
I created an application in 2003 which faxes an Access Report and attachment to persons stored in my Access tables. Although faxes are going out, there is too much user entry. I haven't figured out a way to pass the recipient's data (phone # etc.) through Groupwise into Faxcom.
I believe the problem has something to do with my lack of knowledge of the proper Groupwise extensions (i.e. *.bodyText, *.Subject, *.Recipients.ADD, *.Send, etc.)
For example:
Set objGWApp = CreateObject("NovellGroupWareSession")
Set objGWAcct = objGWApp.Login("")
Set objGWmsg = objGWAcct.MailBox.Messages
Set objGWmsg = objGWmsg.ADD()
A small portion of the replies in thread #438779 relate to this subject, but mostly that thread refers to Outlook and other fax applications. So I started this thread specific to Groupwise and Faxcom.