I was creating an outgoing PPP connection (Automatic Dialup) with PPP Manager in Morning Star (SCO Open Server 5.06). At some point (during modifications in Advanced Timeout Parameters) I exited with Ctrl+C. When I try to set outgoing PPP after that, I get the following error:
Log /tmp/tclerror.2075.log cointains the following:
There's more (looks like some kind of a shell script).
Please, I need some help with this.
Thanks in advance.
Matija Kralj
I was creating an outgoing PPP connection (Automatic Dialup) with PPP Manager in Morning Star (SCO Open Server 5.06). At some point (during modifications in Advanced Timeout Parameters) I exited with Ctrl+C. When I try to set outgoing PPP after that, I get the following error:
Fatal error: (vTcl interp) Failed reading Receive Msg length - Unknown error(vTc
l interp) No Server Connection - missing VtOpen ?
Error Information logged to: /tmp/tclerror.2075.log
Log /tmp/tclerror.2075.log cointains the following:
Uncaught error in Tcl program: scoadmin:
(vTcl interp) Failed reading Receive Msg length - Unknown error(vTcl interp) No
Server Connection - missing VtOpen ?
Error code = NONE
(vTcl interp) Failed reading Receive Msg length - Unknown error
while executing
"Vt${type}Dialog $wsMain.${caller}message -message $str -ok -help -okCallback
invoked from within
"set box [Vt${type}Dialog $wsMain.${caller}message -message $str -ok -help -o
kCallback $okCB]..."
(procedure "UIDialog" line 3)
invoked from within
"UIDialog Error $caller $str $okCB"
(procedure "UIError" line 2)
invoked from within
"UIError $caller $str"
invoked from within
There's more (looks like some kind of a shell script).
Please, I need some help with this.
Thanks in advance.
Matija Kralj