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Fastest Server Side Scripting Language

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Aug 23, 2000
Does any body know which is fastest server side scripting language .....(I mean perl,php,jsp,coldfusion etc)

You all would have heard about many other scripting languages ...
does there is any data which validates this particular scripting language is the fastest one ...

any thoughts ...

Thanks all.
Java Servlets are very fast, when speed of application is crucial. However Python, Perl and PHP are all faster to develop on, but I think the speed of execution of these languages depends more on the web server.

mod_perl is a good bet. This is a modified version of the perl scripting language that is designed to be loaded into memory as a DSO module so does not suffer from the same latency as 'regular' perl and are supposed to be between 400% and 2000% faster.
php is also implemented as a module and is also very fast.

Theres some comparisons between servlets and other languages here -->
It would be nice to see some real comparison benchmarks though.

Thanks all for the info.

meekrob : could you please provide any bench mark data supporting your comment as java servlet is the fastest ...

ifincham: i too agree the mod_perl is good bet ...
but i am searching some real bench mark data against servlets ....

Thanks again.

I haven't seen any actual benchmarks... and servlets are definitely fast compared to regular cgi, but I'm not sure how they compare to an apache mod.
The thing about comparing servlets and an Apache module such as PHP or mod_perl is a bit of a red herring. You're trying to compare apples and oranges (OK, can I throw another cliche in here ;-))

Servlets are not a server-side scripting environment. They are compiled bytecode meant to run in the Java virtual machine. PHP and mod_perl are scripting languages, which are compiled on-the-fly as they are interpreted inside the Apache server process.

The point of this is, some types of things will perform much better in a servlet environment, while others will perform better in a scripted Apache module.

Servlets are more of a heavyweight thing. They don't usually start up fast, but once they get up to speed, they perform quite well, because they don't have to be "re-loaded" everytime another web page is requested. PHP and mod_perl scripts are loaded every time requested, but they are very lightweight languages, which respond quickly in an environment like this. I say use servlets if you are writing very complicated applications, perhaps involving more than one server, with network socket programming, etc..., but use PHP or mod_perl for general web-based applications and dynamic websites.

Or, in the case of PHP, use PHP's Java connectivity: write the back-end stuff in servlets, and the front-end stuff in PHP, connecting to the servlets for the data management and decision making.

"Calculus is just the meaningless manipulation of higher symbols"
                          -unknown F student
Thanks rycamor for your comments,It helps ....:)

Good comments on the servlets rycamor, I definitely agree. However, if your going to use a server side scripting lang. I'd really suggest mod_python for true rapid application development. It simplicity of syntax (especially over perl) with very good internal structure and ability to handle large apps make it a definite plus+ (see for an example). You can get O'Reilly's Python pocket reference for around 10 bucks and thats all you really need!
I've got no experience with Python, but from everything I hear, it is a great language, and performs quite fast. The only thing that would be hard for me to get used to is the idea that whitespace matters.

But, hey, sometime or other I will probably play with Python, and cloud my brain up just a little more... -------------------------------------------

"Calculus is just the meaningless manipulation of higher symbols"
                          -unknown F student

Actually, I began using python seriously myself only quite recently and it does take a bit of getting used to with the indentation rules and so on but I like it a lot. Never really thought of it on the apache side though - but I guess why not ? What put me off originally was that the once infamous redhat installer called 'anaconda' was written in python and the fact that anaconda was a bit flaky in parts gave the impression that python itself might be in some way at fault when it probably never was.

One other plus factor is that its another of those languages that you can now also use on a win32 platform if you have to do a bit on that side occasionally (theres 'regular' python and activatestate python - similar to activatestate perl).

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