I have a report that displays revenue for courses we offer, and sums the total. However some of these courses are taught in two locations, which causes them to be displayed twice. This is okay because I want to view both locations on the report. For revenue data I use the "Hide Duplicates" option to make it invisible. Unfortunately the Revenue Sum Total picks up these hidden values and adds them to the total. Is there a way I can remove the hidden values from the Sum Total?
Course1 LocationX $1,000
Course2 LocationX $1,000
(Course2) LocationY ($1,000) (Parens indicate hidden values)
Total: $3,000
$3,000 is the wrong amount. I want it to display $2,000.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Course1 LocationX $1,000
Course2 LocationX $1,000
(Course2) LocationY ($1,000) (Parens indicate hidden values)
Total: $3,000
$3,000 is the wrong amount. I want it to display $2,000.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.