After picking up something nasty I followed the spyware faq and downloaded a couple of programs including EWIDO. Ewido picked out quite a few cookies, a reg entry or two, one minor worm in an unused email box and supposedly not_a_virus.joker.something in spamnix.exe.
I erased spamnix, causing an error or two, then went to reinstall it over original program, so as not to change the filters already built in. Immediately Ewido identifies not_a_virus etc in Spamnix.exe again. While it is possible that spamnix.exe contains a virus, I find it doubtful. Other experience with this?
I erased spamnix, causing an error or two, then went to reinstall it over original program, so as not to change the filters already built in. Immediately Ewido identifies not_a_virus etc in Spamnix.exe again. While it is possible that spamnix.exe contains a virus, I find it doubtful. Other experience with this?