I'm using 8.5.
When I try to export to Access via OBDC it get the following messages
Failed to export the report
Failed to export the report
[Microsoft][OBDC Microsoft Access driver] Field 'DE_Addressline1' already exists in table 'CREXPORT'
This is going into a fresh DB with no tables at all.
I have tried renaming the export but to no avail.
This report will export with low record numbers but will not export high amounts of records (hence trying to go to a Access not Excel)
Any ideas?
Regards, Phil
"If in doubt, hit it with an end user!
When I try to export to Access via OBDC it get the following messages
Failed to export the report
Failed to export the report
[Microsoft][OBDC Microsoft Access driver] Field 'DE_Addressline1' already exists in table 'CREXPORT'
This is going into a fresh DB with no tables at all.
I have tried renaming the export but to no avail.
This report will export with low record numbers but will not export high amounts of records (hence trying to go to a Access not Excel)
Any ideas?
Regards, Phil
"If in doubt, hit it with an end user!