I'm a long-time (>17yr) Oracle developer/manager who's a total newbie to TD. I've got a question/problem...
I'm doing a query that works in Queryman (a pretty neat tool!), but does not work in a UNIX script. I've got the env. vars set up OK (I think!), but the query returns the dreaded "Failure 3802". The frippin' thing works if we take out the highlighted correlated subquery, but of course the answer set is wrong...
Here's the query text...
Any (and all!) ideas (brilliant or otherwise!) would be appreciated
I'm doing a query that works in Queryman (a pretty neat tool!), but does not work in a UNIX script. I've got the env. vars set up OK (I think!), but the query returns the dreaded "Failure 3802". The frippin' thing works if we take out the highlighted correlated subquery, but of course the answer set is wrong...
Here's the query text...
select n.bill_acct_id ,o.bill_acct_id
,n.wrls_svc_id ,n.process_dt
,n.process_end_dt ,o.process_dt
,o.process_end_dt ,wsh.sts_name
,wsh.sts_eff_dt ,wsh.process_dt
from ${O23GV}.av_bill_sbscrp_hst n
,${O23GV}.av_bill_sbscrp_hst o
,${O23GV}.av_wrls_svc_hst wsh
where n.process_dt = '2003-10-21'
and o.wrls_svc_id = n.wrls_svc_id
and o.bill_acct_id <> n.bill_acct_id
and o.process_dt=[COLOR=red](select max(x.process_dt)
from ${O23GV}.av_bill_sbscrp_hst x
where process_dt < '2003-10-21'
and x.wrls_svc_id=n.wrls_svc_id)[/color]
and wsh.wrls_svc_id = n.wrls_svc_id
and '2003-10-21' between wsh.process_dt
and wsh.process_end_dt