ftp client---6500-----trunk-----6500-----ftp server
ftp client is - outside vlan (69)
ftp server is - inside vlan (70)
on same networks /24 but different vlans (so that they cross the fwsm)
each 6500 has an fwsm installed
vlans 69,70 and failover vlans are trunked between the 2 6500s
trunk is operational
ftp ports open on fwsm
context 'ftp' set up on both firewalls with inside and outside interfaces
ftp transfer works - but when i instigate failover.the ftp transfer stops and the secondary does not take over.
when i go on the secondary fwsm and do 'failover active' it says 'failed - cannot become active'. No nat involved.
any help appreciated here - im happy to scrap the config as it doesnt seem to be working.