AS 6.61 SP2a running on NT4.0 SP6a
I have a backup job that gives me the following errors.
AE0004 Failed to open file <C:\WINNT40\JETAB54.tmp>. RC=32, The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
AE0005 Directory E:\BUILDFAST\DATA does not exist.
Error 1 (AE0004) only shows up for some TEMP files that I don't really care about backing up or not. Strange that I get this error though. I am running the OFA software. I can get rid of this message in my logs by de-selecting these files, but in a few days/weeks, different files give this same error and I have to de-select them.
Error 2 (AE0005) is an accurate error, the D:\BUILDFAST\DATA directory doesn't exist. It was an old directory that has been removed. ArcServe, however, seems to still think that it exists. I can de-select this directory as well from the backups, but why doesn't ArcServe recognize that it's not there? It appears to be looking for file names from it's own database rather than from the NT Server itself. That's not good.
I've heard that I can simply select the entire drive instead of de-selecting certain directories/files, but that's not an option. I run SQL 7.0 w/ the SQL Agent. Selecting the entire drive backs up the database twice, once through the agent and again by getting the .mdb and .ldb files in a straight backup. This kills my tape space and lengthens the job time.
Any thoughts on how to get rid of these? Is there a way to have AS recreate its internal file list for this server? Monkeylizard
-Isaiah 35-
I have a backup job that gives me the following errors.
AE0004 Failed to open file <C:\WINNT40\JETAB54.tmp>. RC=32, The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
AE0005 Directory E:\BUILDFAST\DATA does not exist.
Error 1 (AE0004) only shows up for some TEMP files that I don't really care about backing up or not. Strange that I get this error though. I am running the OFA software. I can get rid of this message in my logs by de-selecting these files, but in a few days/weeks, different files give this same error and I have to de-select them.
Error 2 (AE0005) is an accurate error, the D:\BUILDFAST\DATA directory doesn't exist. It was an old directory that has been removed. ArcServe, however, seems to still think that it exists. I can de-select this directory as well from the backups, but why doesn't ArcServe recognize that it's not there? It appears to be looking for file names from it's own database rather than from the NT Server itself. That's not good.
I've heard that I can simply select the entire drive instead of de-selecting certain directories/files, but that's not an option. I run SQL 7.0 w/ the SQL Agent. Selecting the entire drive backs up the database twice, once through the agent and again by getting the .mdb and .ldb files in a straight backup. This kills my tape space and lengthens the job time.
Any thoughts on how to get rid of these? Is there a way to have AS recreate its internal file list for this server? Monkeylizard
-Isaiah 35-