I am trying to write VBA code to access reportclientdocument using the reportappfactory opendocument method and I can't find the enterpriseservice. I am using XI R2.
I found all the other classes I need in these libraries.
Dim objInfoStore As CrystalInfoStoreLib.InfoStore
Dim aSessionMgr As Crystalenterpriselib.SessionMgr
Dim aSession As Crystalenterpriselib.EnterpriseSession
Dim aResult As CrystalInfoStoreLib.InfoObjects
Is enterprise service in a Crystal Library or is this a Microsoft Library?
When I do something like this.
reportclientdocument = reportappfactory.opendocument(infoobject.ID,0)
I get failed to find reportappserver which I believe is due to not having the enterpriseservice available.
Please help me find this library/class. Thank you.
I found all the other classes I need in these libraries.
Dim objInfoStore As CrystalInfoStoreLib.InfoStore
Dim aSessionMgr As Crystalenterpriselib.SessionMgr
Dim aSession As Crystalenterpriselib.EnterpriseSession
Dim aResult As CrystalInfoStoreLib.InfoObjects
Is enterprise service in a Crystal Library or is this a Microsoft Library?
When I do something like this.
reportclientdocument = reportappfactory.opendocument(infoobject.ID,0)
I get failed to find reportappserver which I believe is due to not having the enterpriseservice available.
Please help me find this library/class. Thank you.