Hi there!<br><br>Let me describe the problem i am facing in detail.<br><br><br>TOOL : SQl Server 7.0 OLAP Services<br><br>DIMESNSIONS : Year<br> Segments<br> Customers - Branches (One Branch can have more than one Customers)<br> Account Type<br> AMR Codes<br> Products<br><br>MEASURES : Balance Amount<br> <br><br><br>- I have 7 master tables (i.e: Year, Segments, Customers, Branches, Account Type, ARM Codes & Products).<br><br>- There is one fact table with following fields : Year, Segment Code, Customer Code, <br> Branch Code, Account Type, ARM Code, Product Code, Balance Amount.<br><br>- I built 6 dimensions; 5 built directly on each one of the 5 master tables. <br> The sixth dimension is Customers which has Branch and then customers (at one level lower than Branch). <br><br>- I then went on to create a cube that linked each of the dimensions to their respective fields in the fact table.<br><br>- After the cube was complete, i saved it and selected the VIEW and DATA options from the menu in the Cube editor (ie : <View> <Data>.<br><br>- This is where the PROBLEM started. When i see the measure value against any of the dimensions, i see the same Balance amounts for all the<br> members of the dimension i.e: If see a balance amount of 25000, i see 25000 against all the members of the selected dimension.<br> If i view the data with respect to another dimension, i see 145.67 for all the members of this selected dimension.<br><br>- I am sure that the data that is stored in SQl server 7 database is not being shown correctly from the cube.<br><br>- Please note that the cube is still unprocessed and when i selected the <View> <Data> option from the menu, it says 'Cube not processed! Showing sample data' <br> before showing me the data. Am i having this problem because i have not yet processed the cube yet? <br><br><br>PROBLEM - 2<br>-----------<br><br>- The reason i was talking about un-processed cube in the previous problem was that i was not able to process the<br> cube. Whenever i tried to process the cube, it tried to process the first dimension doing which, it would fail and come<br> up with an ERROR message that says <br> 'ODBC error: Client unable to establish connection;08001;[DBNMPNTW]ConnectionOpen (CreateFile()).;01000; Time:5/27/00 9:17:00 AM'<br><br>- I am not sure why it is not able to connect to the SQl Server. My Data source uses login 'sa' and the password is correct.<br> I even pressed the 'Test Connection' button and it could connect successfully.<br><br>- Could you help?<br><br>Thanks a lot. I appreciate the time you took to read my problems. Could you please send me a reply on my e-mail address as well? Its<br><br><A HREF="mailto:Harpreet.Singh@ae.standardchartered.com">Harpreet.Singh@ae.standardchartered.com</A><br><br>[Harpreet Singh]<br>