I have a table called PurchaseOrder which contains the header information and a table called PurchaseOrderLine which contains the line information for purchase orders. I have set up an update/insert trigger on PurchaseOrderLine to update 4 different fields in PurchaseOrder - they are: TotalAmount(which is a sum of the amounts in purchaseorderline), IsManuallyClosed ( which is a flag that is set to -1 if all ManuallyClosed fields in PurchaseOrderLine are -1 and it is set to 0 if they are not), IsFullyRecieved(same as IsManuallyClosed except that it checks the received field), and AmountDue(this is a sum of the purchaseorderline rate field * the purchaseorderline ReceivedQuantity field). The trigger basically updates the purchaseorder table through user defined functions. OK... the problem is that when I run a batch insert into PurchaseOrderLine it times out. I tried to do an insert through vb code using ado... this works, but takes forever. I am trying to batch insert approx 27000 records into PurchaseOrderLine and have the trigger update the appropriate PurchaseOrder row but need a more efficient way of handleing this... Any suggestions.