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Extreme & Avaya 5610 IP Phones

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Nov 27, 2008
im not the best at switch programming as i am an ip avaya engineer,

we have a customer who uses 5610 avaya IP phones which are connected to a X250e switch, and then a PC plugged into the back of the phone,

when the PC is plugged directly into switch the computer doing network commands like dragging from shares works fine but when in back of IP phone runs very slowly

i.e to drag the file in question takes 2 min when direct to switch but when in back of IP phone takes 45, now i agree this looks like a phone issue but

if we swap the switch for a cisco or netgear then plugged direct to switch or in back of phone file transfer tales 2mins

i have escalated this to extreme but just wondered if anyone had any thoughts

ACA - IP Office
ACS - IP Office
I suppose the question is qhat is the difference between the port configuration on the switches?

Can you see what the port config is on the cisco and then on the Extreme. The default config looks like it must be different. It could be as simple as a duplex setting on the Extreme port.

On the Extreme:
show ports {mgmt | <port_list>} configuration {no-refresh}

will show you link speed etc.
if it is a standalone then for port 15 it would be like:
show ports 15 configuration no-refresh

Then with a Cisco the command would be:
show running-config
which shows you all the ports and their link speed etc.
Are you using auxillary vlans to seperate the phone and computer to different vlans plugged into the same port? I know how this is done on cisco but havent done it on extreme. Is QOS involved?
yes we are and yes it is,

its an issue with the extreme but they are not sure what yet, the auto negotiation is not working correctly at all

i have been asked to upgrade it to

? ExtremeXOS 12.3.3

but dont know where to get it from

ACA - IP Office
ACS - IP Office
There's likely something in the configuration, we've done dozens of these installs with Avaya phones and never had anything like this or issues with auto-negotiation, on any release back to 11.x

Are you sure both sides are set to auto? Double-check the Extreme config AND the 46xxsettings.txt files the phones use to make sure it's not forcing the phones to 100MB/Full or something - locking one device and not the other will mess things up just about every time.
Hi tanderson3733

no sorry, non of the ports are set to auto because when you do set it to auto everything on the switch behaves poorly..i have tested this though, when you plug the phone in you get 100m Full Duplex but if you plug the pc direct you get 10m Half Duplex

If you piggy back the pc off the phone you get 100m full duplex but poor pc performance

if you plug a 25£ poe netgear switch into this port and then the pc and phone into each other and into the netgear everything works fine..

i have just upgraded to it have impoved things slightly with Auto Neg on but not alot still got issues

ACA - IP Office
ACS - IP Office
here is the 46xx setting, they are on 5.0.8

## ##
## *** October 1, 2008 *** ##
## ##
## ##
## This file is to be used as a template for configuring ##
## Avaya IP telephones. This file lists parameters ##
## supported through the following software releases: ##
## ##
## 96xx telephone H.323 software release 1.5 ##
## 46xx telephone H.323 software release 2.8.3 ##
## 56xx telephone H.323 software release 2.8.3 ##
## 3631 telephone H.323 software release 1.3.0 ##
## 16xx telephone H.323 software release 1.1 ##
## 16cc telephone SIP software release 1.0 ##
## 96xx telephone SIP software release 2.0 ##
## 46xx telephone SIP software release 2.2.2 ##
## SIP Softphone release 2.1 ##
## ##
## Not all parameters are supported on all telephones or ##
## on all software releases. See the appropriate issue ##
## of your telephone's Administrators Guide for more ##
## details. The guides are available on support.avaya.com ##
## ##
## Use "## " without quotes to comment out a line.
## To activate a setting, set the parameter to the
## appropriate value for your environment and remove the
## "## " from the beginning of the line.
## To include whitespaces in a value, the entire value
## must be enclosed in double quotes.
## example:
## SET PARAM "value1 value2"
## To set different set types to different values, use
## the "IF" keyword statement.
## See the LAN Administrators Guide for more details.
## Some of the parameters listed below have default settings
## which are used by the IP Telephones even if they are
## commented out in this file. For a list of those
## settings and their default values, see the LAN
## Administrators Guide.

## ##
## Applies to all telephones ##
## ##
################## HTTP SERVER SETTINGS ##################
## HTTP Server Addresses
## [If you set your HTTP Server Addresses via DHCP, do not
## set them here as they will over ride your DHCP settings.
## Also, use TLSSRVR instead if you require an
## authenticated server]
## Server used to down load configuration script files.
## Zero or more HTTP server IP addresses in dotted-decimal
## or DNS name format, separated by commas without any
## intervening spaces. (0 to 255 ASCII characters,
## including commas). For 96xx SIP phones, this parameter
## may also be changed via LLDP.
## HTTP Server Directory Path
## Specifies the path name to prepend to all file names
## used in HTTP and HTTPS GET operations during startup.
## (0 to 127 ASCII characters, no spaces.)
## SET HTTPDIR myhttpdir
## HTTP port
## Sets the TCP port used for HTTP file downloads from
## non-Avaya servers. (0-65535) The default is 80.
## Applies only to 46xx H.323 phones and 96xx SIP phones.
## Server Authentication
## Sets whether script files are downloaded from an
## authenticated server over an HTTPS link.
## 0 for optional, 1 for mandatory
################ DOMAIN NAME SYSTEM (DNS) ################
## If you set your DNS parameters via DHCP, do not set them
## here as they will over ride your DHCP settings.
## Your Domain Name Server
## Your DNS domain
## SET DOMAIN mycompany.com
############# CALL SERVER ADDRESS OVERRIDE ###############
## STATIC specifies whether a call server IP address that
## has been manually programmed into the phone may override
## any value received via DHCP or this settings file.
## 0 for disabled, 2 for override
## STATIC is not supported on 96xx or 16cc SIP phones.
################# DHCP ADDRESS SETTINGS ##################
## DHCPSTD controls whether the phone continues to use an
## expired IP address if the phone received no response to
## its address renewal request. 0 for yes, 1 for no.
## VLANTEST specifies the number of seconds to wait for a
## DHCPOFFER when the phone is using a non-zero VLAN ID.
## (0-999)
############# ENHANCED LOCAL DIALING RULES ###############
## These settings affect certain dialing behaviors, such as
## dialing numbers from the incoming Call Log or from web
## pages
## Dialing Algorithm Status
## Controls whether algorithm defined by parameters in
## this section is used during certain dialing behaviors.
## 0 disables algorithm.
## 1 enables algorithm, but not for Contacts
## 2 enables algorithm, including Contacts (96xx SIP only)
## Country Code
## For United States the value is '1'
## Internal extension number length
## If your extension is 12345, your dial plan length is 5.
## On 46xx phones, the maximum extension length is 10.
## On 96xx phones, the maximum extension length is 13.
## This value must match the extension length set on your
## call server.
## International access code
## For the United States, the value is 011.
## SET PHNIC 011
## Long distance access code
## National telephone number Length
## For example, 800-555-1111 has a length of 10.
## Outside line access code
## The number you press to make an outside call.
############## APPLICATION ACCESS SETTINGS ###############
## These settings restrict access to certain applications.
## APPSTAT is not supported on 96xx or 16cc SIP phones.
## When APPSTAT is set to 0, Call Log and Redial are
## suppressed and changes to Speed Dial/Contacts are not allowed.
## When APPSTAT is set to 1, Call Log, Redial and,
## Speed Dial/Contacts work without restrictions.
## When APPSTAT is set to 2, Call Log is suppressed.
## For Redial the Last-6-numbers option is suppressed
## and changes to Speed Dial/Contacts are not allowed.
## When APPSTAT is set to 3, changes to Speed Dial/Contacts
## are not allowed.
################# OPTION ACCESS SETTINGS #################
## This setting restricts access to certain user options.
## OPSTAT is not supported on 96xx or 16cc SIP phones.
## When OPSTAT is set to 000, the user options
## are not accessible.
## When OPSTAT is set to 001, the user can only access
## the Log-Off Option.
## When OPSTAT is set to 010, the user can only access
## view-only options. The user cannot change any setting.
## When OPSTAT is set to 011, the user can only access
## view-only options and the Log-Off Option.
## When OPSTAT is set to 100, the user can access
## all options except the view-only options and
## the Log-Off option.
## When OPSTAT is set to 101, the user can access
## all options except the view-only options.
## When OPSTAT is set to 110, the user can access
## all the options except the Log-Off option.
## When OPSTAT is set to 111, the user can invoke
## any or all of the user options.
############# LOCAL PROCEDURE ACCESS SETTINGS ############
## Restrict Local Procedure Access
## Controls whether local (dial pad) procedures can be
## used to administer the telephone.
## 0 means local procedures can be accessed from the
## telephone.
## 1 means local procedures can not be accessed from the
## telephone.
## CAUTION:Be absolutely sure before setting PROCSTAT to 1
## Local Procedure Password
## Sets password for local (dial pad) procedure access.
## (1 to 7 ASCII numeric digits). See your telephone's
## Administrator's guide for the default password
## supported by your release.
#################### LOGIN SETTINGS ######################
## QKLOGINSTAT specifies whether a password must always be
## entered manually at the login screen. This parameter is
## not supported on 96xx H.323 phones or 16xx phones.
## A value of 0 makes manual password entry mandatory.
## A value of 1 enables a "quick login' by pressing the
## # key to accept the current password value.
#################### AUDIO SETTINGS ######################
## Automatic Gain Control (AGC).
## These settings enable or disable AGC.
## A value of 1 enables AGC. A value of 0 disables AGC.
## AGCHAND controls handset AGC. Not supported on 16cc phones.
## AGCHEAD controls headset AGC
## AGCSPKR controls speaker AGC. Not supported on 16cc phones.
## Headset Operational Mode
## Controls whether the headset ignores a disconnect
## message.
## A value of 0 or 2 makes the headset go on-hook when it
## receives a disconnect message.
## A value of 1 or 3 makes the headset ignore a disconnect
## message.
## Audio Environment Index
## Enables you to customize the telephone's audio
## performance. (0-299) This parameter affects settings
## for AGC dynamic range, handset and headset noise
## reduction thresholds, and headset transmit gain. It is
## highly recommended you consult Avaya before changing
## this parameter.
################# WML BROWSER SETTINGS ###################
## This section contains the common settings used to
## enable and administer the 'Web' application. These
## parameters are not supported on 16cc SIP phones.
## The settings 'WMLHOME', which sets the URL of the
## telephone home page, and 'WMLIDLEURI', which sets the
## idle phone home page, may be different for each set
## type to take advantage of the capabilities of the
## individual sets. WMLHOME and WMLIDLEURI should be set
## in the sections for the individual set types.
## Note: The 9610 does not use WMLHOME or WMLIDLEURI.
## Use WMLSMALL in their place.
## Your HTTP proxy server address (name or IP address)
## SET WMLPROXY my.proxy.company.com
## The TCP port number of your HTTP proxy server
## A list of one or more HTTP proxy server exception
## domains separated by commas without any spaces.
## Accesses to these addresses will not go through the
## proxy server.
## SET WMLEXCEPT mycompany.com,
## The idle period in minutes before the WMLIDLEURI
## web page is displayed. Valid values are 1 to 999.
## Default (if WMLIDLEURI is set) is 10 minutes.
################ PUSH INTERFACE SETTINGS #################
## These settings are used to administer the Push interface.
## These parameters are not supported on 16cc SIP phones.
## The list of all the Trusted Push Servers.
## If set to "/", all servers are allowed.
## If set to null or blank, Push is disabled.
## The list of all the Subscription Servers.
#################### RTCP MONITORING #####################
## The RTCP monitor
## One RTCP monitor (VMM server) IP address in
## dotted-decimal format or DNS name format (0 to 15
## characters). Note that for H.323 telephones only this
## parameter may be changed via signaling from Avaya
## Communication Manager. For 96xx SIP models in Avaya
## environments, this parameter is set via the PPM server.
## This parameter is not supported on 16cc model phones.
## RTCPMONPORT sets the port used to send RTCP information
## to the IP address specified in the RTCPMON parameter.
## RTCPMONPORT is only supported on 46xx SIP telephones and
## 96xx telephones in non-Avaya environments. For 96xx SIP
## models in Avaya environments, this parameter is set via
## the PPM server. The default is 5005.
## RTCP Monitor Report Period
## Specifies the interval for sending out RTCP monitoring
## reports (5-30 seconds). Default is 5 seconds. This
## parameter applies only to 96xx SIP telephones.
## The CNA server
## One or more CNA server IP addresses in
## dotted-decimal format or DNS name format (0 to 255
## characters). This parameter is not supported on 16cc
## model phones.
## CNA port
## Sets the port used for CNA registration. (0-65535)
## The default is 50002. This parameter is not supported
## on 16cc model phones.
## SET CNAPORT 50002
################## ETHERNET INTERFACES ###################
## Primary Interface Status
## Controls the speed and duplex settings for the primary
## Ethernet interface.
## 1 for auto-negotiate
## 2 for 10Mbps half-duplex
## 3 for 10Mbps full-duplex
## 4 for 100Mbps half-duplex
## 5 for 100Mbps full-duplex
## 6 for 1Gbps full-duplex (96xx phones only)
## PC Interface Status
## Controls the speed and duplex settings for the PC
## Ethernet interface.
## 0 for disabled
## 1 for auto-negotiate
## 2 for 10Mbps half-duplex
## 3 for 10Mbps full-duplex
## 4 for 100Mbps half-duplex
## 5 for 100Mbps full-duplex
## 6 for 1Gbps full-duplex (96xx phones only)
################## 802.1P/Q SETTINGS ###################
## Telephone Frame Tagging
## Controls whether layer 2 frames generated by the
## telephone have IEEE 802.1Q tags.
## 0 for Auto, 1 for On, and 2 for Off
## This parameter may also be changed via LLDP.
## SET L2Q 0
## VLAN Separation
## Controls whether layer 2 frames to/from the telephone's
## secondary Ethernet interface have their 802.1Q tags
## changed. 0 for do not change tags, 1 for change tags.
## Voice VLAN Identifier
## VLAN identifier to be used by IP telephones. This
## parameter should only be set when IP telephones are to
## use a VLAN that is separate from the default data VLAN.
## If the VLAN identifier is to be configured via H.323
## signaling based on Avaya Communication Manager
## administration forms, it should not be set here.
## This parameter may also be changed via LLDP.
## Secondary Ethernet Interface VLAN Identifier
## VLAN Identifier to be used for frames to/from the
## telephone's secondary Ethernet interface. (0-4094)
## This parameter should only be set if VLANSEP is 1.
## This parameter may also be changed via LLDP.
## Audio Priority Value
## Sets the layer 2 priority value for audio packets
## from the phone. (0-7)
## For H.323 phones, this parameter may also be
## changed from Communication Manager. For 96xx SIP
## phones, this parameter may also be changed via LLDP.
## Signaling Priority Value
## Sets the layer 2 priority value for signaling
## protocol messages from the phone. (0-7)
## For H.323 phones, this parameter may also be
## changed from Communication Manager. For 96xx SIP
## phones, this parameter may also be changed via LLDP.
## Secondary Ethernet Interface Priority Value
## Sets the priority value for layer 2 frames to/from
## the telephone's secondary Ethernet interface. (0-7)
## This parameter should only be set if VLANSEP is 1.
##################### SNMP SETTINGS ######################
## SNMP addresses
## If this parameter is set, an SNMP query will only be
## accepted if the source IP address of the query matches
## one of these values. This parameter may contain one or
## more IP addresses in dotted-decimal or DNS name format,
## separated by commas without any intervening spaces
## (0 to 255 ASCII characters, including commas).
## SNMP community name string
## This value must be set to enable viewing of the phone's
## MIB. This value must match the community string name
## used in the SNMP query (up to 32 ASCII characters, no
## spaces).
## SET SNMPSTRING mystring
################ EVENT LOGGING SETTINGS ##################
## Event Logging control
## Controls the level of events logged in the
## endptRecentLog and endptResetLog objects in the SNMP
## MIB. Events with the selected severity level and higher
## will be logged.
## LOGLOCAL is not supported on 96xx or 16cc SIP phones.
## 0 for disabled
## 1 for emergencies
## 2 for alerts
## 3 for critical
## 4 for errors
## 5 for warnings
## 6 for notices
## 7 for information
## 8 for debug
## Syslog Server address
## One syslog server IP address in dotted-decimal or DNS
## name format (0 to 255 ASCII characters).
############### DISPLAY BACKLIGHT CONTROL ################
## Idle Time Before Turning Off Backlight (minutes)
## Number of minutes without phone activity to wait
## before turning off backlight. A value of 0 means the
## backlight is never turned off. This parameter is
## supported only by phones which have a backlight.
## The default is 120 minutes.
##################### 802.1X SETTINGS ####################
## 802.1X Supplicant Status
## This setting determines the 802.1X supplicant operating
## mode for 96xx SIP telephones only.
## 0: Supplicant operation disabled.
## 1: Supplicant operation enabled, but responds only to
## received unicast EAPOL messages (default)
## 2: Supplicant operation enabled; responds to received
## unicast and multicast EAPOL messages
## 802.1X Pass-Through Mode
## This setting determines the 802.1X pass-through operating
## mode.
## 0: PAE multicast pass-through enabled. No proxy Logoff.
## (For H.323 phones, also enables Unicast Supplicant
## operation.) DEFAULT OPERATION.
## 1: Same operation as for "0" but with proxy Logoff.
## 2: No PAE multicast pass-through or proxy Logoff.
## (For H.323 phones, also enables Unicast or multicast
## Supplicant operation.)
## SET DOT1X 0
###################### ICMP SETTINGS #####################
## Destination Unreachable Message Control
## Controls whether ICMP Destination Unreachable messages
## are generated.
## 0 for No
## 1 for limited Port Unreachable messages
## 2 for Protocol and Port Unreachable messages
## Redirect Message control
## Controls whether received ICMP Redirect messages will
## be processed
## 0 for No
## 1 for Yes
################# BACKUP/RESTORE SETTINGS ################
## Backup and Restore URI
## URI used for HTTP backup and retrieval of user data.
## Specify HTTP server and directory path to backup file.
## Do not specify backup file name.
## BRURI is not supported on 96xx or 16cc SIP phones.
#################### AUDIBLE ALERTING #######################
## Specifies the audible alerting setting for the telephone
## and whether users may change this setting.
## A value of 0 turns off audible alerting; user cannot
## adjust ringer volume at all.
## A value of 1 turns on audible alerting; user can adjust
## ringer volume but cannot turn off audible alerting.
## A value of 2 turns off audible alerting; user can adjust
## ringer volume and can turn off audible alerting.
## A value of 3 turns on audible alerting; user can adjust
## ringer volume and can turn off audible alerting.
## The default value is 3.
## ##
## 3631 SETTINGS ##
## Settings applicable to 3631 telephone model ##
## ##
## WMM mode for 3631 telephone. May be overridden by WMM
## mode specified in Access Profile.
## 0 for off
## 1 for on
## Power save mode for 3631 telephone. May be overridden
## by power save mode specified in Access Profile.
## 0 for off
## 1 for on
## Authentication Certificates
## List of trusted certificates to download to phone. This
## parameter may contain one or more certificate filenames,
## separated by commas without any intervening spaces.
## Files may contain only PEM-formatted certificates.
## cacert1.pem for 3631 Access Profile 1
## cacert2.pem for 3631 Access Profile 2
## cacert3.pem for 3631 Access Profile 3
## SET TRUSTCERTS cacert1.pem,cacert2.pem,cacert3.pem
## Regulatory domain (country) for 3631 telephone. (0 to
## 2 ASCII characters, no spaces.)
## Data rate for 3631 telephone
## -1 for Auto
## 2 for 1 Mbps
## 4 for 2 Mbps
## 11 for 5.5 Mbps
## 12 for 6 Mbps
## 18 for 9 Mbps
## 22 for 11 Mbps
## 24 for 12 Mbps
## 36 for 18 Mbps
## 48 for 24 Mbps
## 72 for 36 Mbps
## 96 for 48 Mbps
## 108 for 54 Mbps
## Fragmentation threshold for 3631 telephone (256-3000).
## SET WTFRAG 3000
## Request to send (RTS) threshold for 3631 telephone
## (0-3000).
## SET WTRTS 3000
################ ACCESS PROFILE 1 SETTINGS ###############
## Name for Access Profile 1. (0 to 31 ASCII characters,
## no spaces.)
## SET WTPROF1 North
## SSID for Access Profile 1. (0 to 31 ASCII characters,
## no spaces.)
## SET WTSSIDP1 north@mycompany
## WMM mode for Access Profile 1.
## 0 for off
## 1 for on
## Power save mode for Access Profile 1.
## 0 for off
## 1 for on
## Security mode for Access Profile 1.
## 0 for none
## 1 for WEP
## 2 for WPA-PSK
## 3 for WPA2-PSK
## 4 for WPA-802.1X
## 5 for WPA2-802.1X
## Encryption type for Access Profile 1.
## 0 for none
## 1 for WEP-64
## 2 for WEP-128
## 3 for TKIP
## 4 for AES
## Encryption key for Access Profile 1. (0 to 63 ASCII
## characters, no spaces.)
## SET WTKEYP1 northkey
## EAP type for Access Profile 1.
## 0 for disable
## 1 for TLS
## 2 for LEAP
## 3 for PEAP-GTC
## 4 for PEAP-MSCHAPV2
## 5 for TTLS-CHAP
## 6 for TTLS-MD5
## 7 for TTLS-MSCHAP
## 8 for TTLS-MSCHAPV2
################ ACCESS PROFILE 2 SETTINGS ###############
## Name for Access Profile 2. (0 to 31 ASCII characters,
## no spaces.)
## SET WTPROF2 South
## SSID for Access Profile 2. (0 to 31 ASCII characters,
## no spaces.)
## SET WTSSIDP2 south@mycompany
## WMM mode for Access Profile 2.
## 0 for off
## 1 for on
## Power save mode for Access Profile 2.
## 0 for off
## 1 for on
## Security mode for Access Profile 2.
## 0 for none
## 1 for WEP
## 2 for WPA-PSK
## 3 for WPA2-PSK
## 4 for WPA-802.1X
## 5 for WPA2-802.1X
## Encryption type for Access Profile 2.
## 0 for none
## 1 for WEP-64
## 2 for WEP-128
## 3 for TKIP
## 4 for AES
## Encryption key for Access Profile 2. (0 to 63 ASCII
## characters, no spaces.)
## SET WTKEYP2 southkey
## EAP type for Access Profile 2.
## 0 for disable
## 1 for TLS
## 2 for LEAP
## 3 for PEAP-GTC
## 4 for PEAP-MSCHAPV2
## 5 for TTLS-CHAP
## 6 for TTLS-MD5
## 7 for TTLS-MSCHAP
## 8 for TTLS-MSCHAPV2
## Domain Name Server for Access Profile 2
## DNS domain for Access Profile 2
## SET DOMAINP2 south.mycompany.com
################ ACCESS PROFILE 3 SETTINGS ###############
## Name for Access Profile 3. (0 to 31 ASCII characters,
## no spaces.)
## SSID for Access Profile 3. (0 to 31 ASCII characters,
## no spaces.)
## SET WTSSIDP3 west@mycompany
## WMM mode for Access Profile 3.
## 0 for off
## 1 for on
## Power save mode for Access Profile 3.
## 0 for off
## 1 for on
## Security mode for Access Profile 3.
## 0 for none
## 1 for WEP
## 2 for WPA-PSK
## 3 for WPA2-PSK
## 4 for WPA-802.1X
## 5 for WPA2-802.1X
## Encryption type for Access Profile 3.
## 0 for none
## 1 for WEP-64
## 2 for WEP-128
## 3 for TKIP
## 4 for AES
## Encryption key for Access Profile 3. (0 to 63 ASCII
## characters, no spaces.)
## SET WTKEYP3 westkey
## EAP type for Access Profile 3.
## 0 for disable
## 1 for TLS
## 2 for LEAP
## 3 for PEAP-GTC
## 4 for PEAP-MSCHAPV2
## 5 for TTLS-CHAP
## 6 for TTLS-MD5
## 7 for TTLS-MSCHAP
## 8 for TTLS-MSCHAPV2
## Domain Name Server for Access Profile 3
## DNS domain for Access Profile 3
## SET DOMAINP3 west.mycompany.com
## ##
## 46xx SETTINGS ##
## Settings applicable to 46xx telephone models ##
## ##
## IP Filter List Addresses
## Specifies additional IP addresses whose packets are
## allowed through the IP source address filter to be
## processed by the telephone. This parameter should be
## set only if it is suspected that an address is being
## blocked unnecessarily. This parameter may contain one
## or more IP addresses in dotted-decimal or DNS name
## format, separated by commas without any intervening
## spaces (0 to 255 ASCII characters, including commas).
###### 46XX IP Phone Multi-Language Administration #######
## This setting is used to set the local display
## language of your 46XX telephone.
## For all 4620 sets, and either 4610SW or 4620SW sets
## that have been loaded with single-byte software (the
## default), use one of the following settings:
## For English use keyword "English"
## For French use keyword "Francais"
## For Italian use keyword "Italiano"
## For Japanese use keyword "Katakana"
## For Dutch use keyword "Nederlands"
## For German use keyword "Deutsch"
## For Portuguese use keyword "Portugues"
## For Spanish use keyword "Espanol"
## For 4620SW/4625SW sets that have been loaded with
## multi-byte software to support Chinese/Russian/Hebrew/
## English fonts, use one of the following settings:
## For English use keyword "English"
## For Chinese use keyword "Chinese"
## For Russian use keyword "Russian"
## For Hebrew use keyword "Hebrew"
## For 4620SW/4625SW sets that have been loaded with
## multi-byte software to support Japanese/Russian/
## Hebrew/English fonts, use one of the following
## settings:
## For English use keyword "English"
## For Japanese use keyword "Japanese"
## For Russian use keyword "Russian"
## For Hebrew use keyword "Hebrew"
## For 4620SW/4625SW sets that have been loaded with
## multi-byte software to support Korean/Russian/Hebrew/
## English fonts, use one of the following settings:
## For English use keyword "English"
## For Korean use keyword "Korean"
## For Russian use keyword "Russian"
## For Hebrew use keyword "Hebrew"
## SET SYSLANG English
###### 46xx Automatic Backup/Restore Settings ########
## RESTORESTAT enables/disables the automatic backup and
## restore of user data. Applies to both FTP and HTTP
## backup/restore. This setting does not apply to the
## 4602 sets.
## A value of 1 enables Backup/Restore.
## A value of 0 disables Backup/Restore.
## FTPUSERSTAT sets user permissions on modifications to
## server names and directory paths used for FTP
## backup/restore. Does not apply to HTTP backup/restore.
## When FTPUSERSTAT is set to 0, the user can only use the
## server and path data administered via DHCP or settings
## file.
## When FTPUSERSTAT is set to 1, the user can specify
## alternative FTP servers or directory paths. The default
## is 1.
## When FTPUSERSTAT is set to 2, the user can specify
## alternative FTP directory paths but is not allowed to
## specify alternative FTP servers.
## FTPSRVR specifies the IP Address of the default FTP
## Server. May be a dotted-decimal address or DNS string.
## Depending on FTPUSERSTAT setting, may be overridden by
## the user.
## FTPDIR specifies the default directory path used for
## storage and retrieval of phone user information.
## Depending on FTPUSERSTAT setting, may be overridden by
## the user.
## SET FTPDIR myftpdir
############## 46xx PUSH INTERFACE SETTINGS ###############
## These settings are used to administer the Push interface
## The TCP port number for the telephone's HTTP server.
## (80-65535). The default is 80.
## Push capabilities settings. PUSHCAP consists of 3 bits
## (each 0, 1, or 2). The rightmost bit controls the Top
## Line push mode. The middle bit controls the Web
## Browser push mode. The leftmost bit controls the Audio
## push mode.
## When PUSHCAP is set to 000, all push modes are disabled
## When PUSHCAP is set to 111, barge in only is allowed in
## all push modes.
## When PUSHCAP is set to 222, both barge in and normal
## pushes are allowed in all push modes.
## ##
## 96xx and 16cc SETTINGS ##
## Settings applicable to 96xx and 16cc telephone models ##
## ##
## Voice Mail Telephone Number
## Specifies the telephone number to be dialed
## automatically when the telephone user presses the
## Messaging button. The specified number is used to
## connect to the user’s Voice Mail system.
## Note:
## This parameter setting is ignored for extensions
## configured as 96xx station types on the call server.
## SET MSGNUM 1234
## English Language Selection Status
## Specifies whether built-in English language text strings
## are selectable by the user. 0 for off, 1 for on.
################ AVAYA SCREEN SAVER SETTINGS ###################
## Idle time before the Avaya Screen Saver is activated (minutes).
## Number of minutes without phone activity to wait
## before the screen saver is activated. A value of 0 means
## the screen saver is never activated. The default is 240 minutes.
## This parameter does not apply to 16cc SIP phones.
## Note:
## This setting activates the Avaya Screen Saver which is
## different than the "idle screen" accessed by WMLIDLEURI.
## While it is possible to use WMLIDLEURI as an "idle
## screen", it is recommended that the SCREENSAVERON
## timer and the Avaya Screen Saver display be used for
## screen saver purposes.
################ A(Avaya) Menu Settings #################
## WML-Application URI
## URI used for WML-applications under A (AVAYA) Menu.
## Specify HTTP server and directory path to administration
## file (AvayaMenuAdmin.txt). Do not specify the
## administration file name. This parameter applies only
## to 96xx model phones.
## ##
## H.323 SETTINGS ##
## Settings specific to telephones with H.323 software ##
## ##
## The Call Server Addresses
## [If you set your Call Server Addresses via DHCP, do not
## set them here as they will over ride your DHCP settings.]
## One or more Avaya Communication Manager server IP
## addresses in dotted-decimal or DNS name format,
## separated by commas without any intervening spaces
## (0 to 255 ASCII characters, including commas).
## Unnamed Registration Status
## Specifies whether unnamed registration is initiated if
## a user fails to enter a value at the Extension prompt.
## Unnamed registration provides the telephone with
## TTI-level service, enabling a user, for example, to
## dial emergency services such as 911.
## Reregistration Timer
## Controls an H.323 protocol timer. It is highly
## recommended you consult Avaya before changing this
## parameter.
## CTI Status
## Controls the status of the Computer-Telephony Interface.
## 0 for disabled, 1 for enabled
## CTI Port
## Sets the UDP port number for reception of broadcast
## CTI discovery messages. (49714-49721).
## ##
## Settings specific to telephones with SIP software ##
## ##
## REGISTERWAIT sets the time, in seconds, between
## re-registrations with the current server. The default
## is 3600 (60 minutes) and valid values are 0-65536 for
## 46xx SIP telephones and 10-1000000000 for 96xx and 16cc
## phones.
## SIPDOMAIN sets the domain name to be used during
## registration. The default is null ("") but valid values
## are 0 to 255 ASCII characters with no spaces.
## SIPPROXYSRVR sets the IP address or Fully-Qualified
## Domain Name (FQDN) of the SIP Proxy server(s). The
## default is null (""), but valid values are zero or more
## IP addresses in dotted-decimal or DNS format, separated
## by commas without intervening spaces, to a maximum of
## 255 ASCII characters. (For 96xx SIP models, this
## paramter also may be set either via LLDP or PPM.)
## SIPPORT sets the port that the telephone set will listen
## for SIP signaling messages. The default is 5060, but
## valid values are 1 to 5 ASCII digits from 0 to 65535,
## inclusive.
## SPEAKERSTAT controls operation of Speakerphone as
## follows:
## 0 no speakerphone allowed
## 1 one-way speaker (also called "monitor") allowed
## 2 two-way speaker allowed
## The default is 2. This parameter is not supported on
## 16cc phones.
## DSCPAUD Sets the DiffServ value for audio streams from
## the phone. The default is 46 and valid values are 0-63.
## For 96xx SIP phones, this parameter may also be changed
## via LLDP.
## DSCPSIG Sets the DiffServ value for signaling protocol
## messages from the phone. The default is 34 and valid
## values are 0-63. For 96xx SIP phones, this parameter
## may also be changed via LLDP.
## SNTP settings are used to configure SNTP related
## parameters. SNTP is only supported on SIP telephones.
## SNTPSRVR sets the IP address or Fully-Qualified
## Domain Name (FQDN) of the SNTP server(s) to be used.
## The default is null ("") but valid values are zero or
## more IP addresses in dotted-decimal or DNS format,
## separated by commas without intervening spaces, to a
## maximum of 255 ASCII characters.
## DSTOFFSET sets the daylight savings time adjustment
## value. The default is 1 but valid values are 0, 1, or 2.
## DSTSTART sets the beginning day for daylight savings
## time. The default for 16cc phones is 2SunMar2L. The
## default for 46xx phonesis 1SunApr2L; see the 4600 Series
## IP Telephone LAN Admin Guide for format and setting
## alternatives.
## NOTE:
## Starting in March 2007, the default values for DSTSTART
## and DSTSTOP on 46xx SIP phones are obsolete for the
## United States and Canada and must be changed via
## revised values in this file as indicated in the examples
## below.
## DSTSTOP sets the ending day for daylight savings time.
## The default for 16cc phones is 1SunNov2L. The default
## for 46xx phones is LSunOct2L; see the 4600 Series IP
## Telephone LAN Admin Guide for format and setting
## alternatives.
## GMTOFFSET sets the time zone the phone should use. The
## default is -5:00; see the 4600 Series IP Telephone LAN
## Admin Guide for format and setting alternatives.
## SIP Settings Examples:
## SET SIPDOMAIN "example.com"
## SET SIPPORT "5060"
## SET DSTSTOP "1SunNov2L"
## SET GMTOFFSET "-5:00"
## ##
## 46xx SIP SETTINGS ##
## Settings applicable only to 46xx telephone models ##
## running the SIP protocol ##
## ##
## DATESEPARATOR sets the character to be used to delineate
## the date values. The default is a backslash.
## DATETIMEFORMAT sets the formatting of the date display.
## The default is 0, which means the SIP phone will display
## 12-hour time and displays dates in mm/dd/yy format.
## Setting DATETIMEFORMAT to 1 means the SIP phone will
## display 12-hour time and displays dates in dd/mm/yy
## format. Setting DATETIMEFORMAT to 2 means the SIP phone
## will display 24-hour time and displays dates in
## mm/dd/yy format. Setting DATETIMEFORMAT to 3 means the
## SIP phone will display 24-hour time and displays dates
## in dd/mm/yy format.
## DIALWAIT sets the time (in seconds) the phone waits
## after the user enters the most recent dialable character
## before it automatically begins dialing. A value of 0
## disables the wait timer. The default is 5, and valid
## values are 0-10 seconds.
## PHNNUMOFSA sets the number of Session Appearances the
## telephone should support. The default is 3 and valid
## values are 1-5.
## SIP Settings Examples:
## ##
## Settings applicable only to 46xx telephone models ##
## or 96xx telephone models in non-Avaya environments ##
## ##
## SIPREGISTRAR sets the IP address or Fully-Qualified
## Domain Name (FQDN) of the SIP registration server(s).
## The default is null ("") but valid values are zero or
## more IP addresses in dotted-decimal or DNS format,
## separated by commas without intervening spaces, to a
## maximum of 255 ASCII characters.
## MWISRVR sets the IP address or Fully-Qualified Domain
## Name (FQDN) of the Message Waiting server. The default
## is null ("") but valid values are zero or more IP
## addresses in dotted-decimal or DNS format, separated by
## commas without intervening spaces, to a maximum of 255
## ASCII characters.
## PRESENCE_SERVER specifies the address used for presence
## indications. The default is null ("") but valid values
## are zero or more IP addresses in dotted-decimal or DNS
## format, separated by commas without intervening spaces,
## to a maximum of 255 ASCII characters. If no address
## is specified, the proxy server is used for presence
## indications. This parameter is not supported on 46xx
## SIP telephones.
## Music-On-Hold Server
## MUSICSRVR sets the IP address or Fully-Qualified Domain
## Name (FQDN) of the Music-On-Hold server. The default
## is null ("") but valid values are zero or more IP
## addresses in dotted-decimal or DNS format, separated by
## commas without intervening spaces, to a maximum of 255
## ASCII characters.
## Note: This parameter is set only in non-Avaya environments.
## DIALPLAN accelarates dialing by defining the dial plan
## used in the phone. The defaultis null ("").
## See the telephone Admin Guide for format and setting
## alternatives.
## CALLFWDSTAT sets the call forwarding mode of the set by
## summing the values below:
## 1 Permits unconditional call forwarding
## 2 Permits call forward on busy
## 4 Permits call forward/no answer
## A value of 0 disables call forwarding.
## The default is 0.
## Example: a value of 6 allows Call Forwarding on
## busy and on no answer.
## CALLFWDDELAY sets the number of ring cycles before the
## call is forwarded to the forward or coverage address.
## The default delay is one ring cycle.
## CALLFWDADDR sets the address to which calls are
## forwarded for the call forwarding feature. The default
## is null ("").
## Note the user can change or replace this
## administered value if CALLFWDSTAT is not 0.
## COVERAGEADDR sets the address to which calls will be
## forwarded for the call coverage feature. The default
## is null ("").
## Note the user can change or replace this
## administered value if CALLFWDSTAT is not 0.
## SIPCONFERENCECONTINUE specifices whether a conference
## call continues after the host hangs up. This parameter
## is not supported on 46xx telephones.
## 0 for drop all parties (default)
## 1 for continue conference
## SIP Settings Examples:
## SET DIALPLAN "[23]xxxx|91xxxxxxxxxx|9[2-9]xxxxxxxxx"
## SET CALLFWDADDR "cover@avaya.com"
## SET COVERAGEADDR "cover@avaya.com"
## ##
## 96xx and 16cc SIP SETTINGS ##
## Settings applicable only to 96xx and 16cc telephone ##
## models running the SIP protocol ##
## ##
## Agent Login Tone
## Specifies the confirmation tone to play when the agent
## successfully logs in. The default is 1 and valid
## values are 1-32. This parameter applies only to 16cc
## model phones.
## Call Coverage Tone
## Specifies the tone to play when a call goes to
## coverage. The default is 1 and valid values are 1-4.
## This parameter applies only to 16cc model phones.
## Visiting User Mode
## Specifies whether the phone supports visiting user mode.
## This parameter applies only to 96xx model phones.
## 0 for Off (default)
## 1 for Optional. At registration, the user is prompted
## whether they visting.
## 2 for Forced. The phone only allows visting user
## registrations.
## LLDP Mode
## Specifies whether LLDP is enabled on the telephone.
## This parameter applies only to 96xx model phones.
## 0 for Off
## 1 for On
## 2 for On but only begin transmitting once an
## LLDP frame is received (default)
## Configuration Server
## Address of Avaya PPM server. (Set only if different
## than SIPPROXYSRVR.) This parameter may contain one
## IP address in dotted-decimal or URI format, optionally
## followed by colon and port number.
## (0 to 255 ASCII characters).
## Configuration Server Communication Mode
## Specifies the communication mode used to access the
## configuration server. This parameter applies only to
## 96xx model phones.
## 0 for use HTTP (default)
## 1 for use HTTPS
## 2 for use HTTPS if SIP transport mode is TLS;
## otherwise, use HTTP
## SIP Signaling Transport Type
## Specifies the type of transport to use for SIP signaling.
## 0 for UDP
## 1 for TCP
## 2 for TLS (default)
## Early Media Enabled
## Specifies whether the phone sets up a voice channel
## to the called party before the call is answered.
## Setting this parameter to 1 can speed up call setup.
## 0 for No
## 1 for Yes
## Hold Indication Method
## Specifies method to use to indicate phone is on hold.
## A setting of 1 is useful for compatibility with 3rd
## party SIP endpoints.
## 0 for "a= directional attributes"
## 1 for IP address
## RTCP Enabled
## Enables the phone to send RTCP data during calls.
## 0 for No
## 1 for Yes
## Maximum Transmission Unit Size
## Specifies the maximum frame length (MTU size)
## transmitted by the phone. Use 1496 for older Ethernet
## switches. (1496 or 1500)
## SET MTU_SIZE 1500
## Media Encryption Support
## Specifies media encryption (SRTP) options supported by
## phone. Up to 2 options may be selected. Values are in
## comma-separated list. Options should match those
## specified in CM IP-codec-set form.
## 1 = aescm128-hmac80
## 2 = aescm128-hmac32
## 3 = aescm128-hmac80-unauth
## 4 = aescm128-hmac32-unauth
## 5 = aescm128-hmac80-unenc
## 6 = aescm128-hmac32-unenc
## 7 = aescm128-hmac80-unenc-unauth
## 8 = aescm128-hmac32-unenc-unauth
## 9 = none (default)
#################### DISPLAY SETTINGS ####################
## Display Colors and Layout
## Specifies a list of tuples describing color scheme and
## layout used in phone display. See Administrator's guide
## for additional detail. (0 to 1023 ASCII characters)
## SET SKINS Yankees=##
## Display Logo
## Specifies a list of tuples describing logo used as phone
## display background. See Administrator's guide for
## additional detail. This parameter is not supported on
## 16cc phones.
## SET LOGOS FIFAWorldCup=../fifa_logo.jpg
## Options Menu Display
## Determines whether Options & Settings menu is displayed
## on phone.
## 0 for No
## 1 for Yes
## Network Info Menu Display
## Determines whether Network Information menu is displayed
## on phone.
## 0 for No
## 1 for Yes
## Logout Enabled
## Determines whether user can log out from phone.
## 0 for No
## 1 for Yes
#################### CALL LOG SETTINGS ###################
## Call Log Enabled
## Determines whether call logging and associated menus
## are available on the phone.
## 0 for No
## 1 for Yes
## Redial Enabled
## Determines whether redial softkey is available.
## 0 for No
## 1 for Yes
## Redial List Enabled
## Determines whether phone redials last number or
## displays list of recently dialed numbers.
## 0 for last number redial
## 1 user can select between last number redial and
## redial list
#################### CONTACTS SETTINGS ###################
## Contacts Enabled
## Determines whether the contacts application and
## associated menus are available on the phone.
## 0 for No
## 1 for Yes
## Contacts Modification Enabled
## Determines whether the list of contacts and
## the function of the contacts application can
## be modified on the phone.
## 0 for No
## 1 for Yes
## Multiple Contacts Warning Display
## Determines whether a warning message is displayed if
## there are multiple devices registered on a user's
## behalf. Multiple registered devices may lead to
## service disruption.
## 0 for No
## 1 for Yes
#################### PRESENCE SETTINGS ###################
## Presence Enabled
## Determines whether presence functionality is
## enabled on the phone. This parameter is not supported
## on 16cc phones.
## 0 for No
## 1 for Yes
#################### EXCHANGE SETTINGS ###################
## Exchange Calendar Enabled
## Determines whether phone will retrieve calendar data
## from Microsoft Exchange
## 0 for No
## 1 for Yes
## Exchange Calendar Display
## Determines whether menu item(s) for Exchange® Calendar
## integration are displayed on the phone. This parameter
## is not supported on 16cc phones.
## 0 for No
## 1 for Yes
## Exchange Domain
## Specifies domain information for URL used to obtain
## Exchange contacts and calendar data. Appended to
## Exchange User ID specified in phone menus.(0 to 255
## ASCII characters). This parameter is not supported
## on 16cc phones.
## SET EXCHANGE_USER_DOMAIN exchange.mycompany.com
## Exchange Server List
## A list of one or more Exchange servers to be accessed
## for contacts and calendar data. The default is null
## (""), but valid values are zero or more IP addresses
## in dotted-decimal or DNS format, separated by commas
## without intervening spaces, to a maximum of 255 ASCII
## characters. This parameter is not supported on 16cc
## phones.
## For additional Exchange-related settings, see the
##################### CODEC SETTINGS #####################
## G.711a Codec Enabled
## Determines whether G.711 a-law codec is available on
## the phone.
## 0 for No
## 1 for Yes
## G.711u Codec Enabled
## Determines whether G.711 mu-law codec is available on
## the phone.
## 0 for No
## 1 for Yes
## G.729 Codec Enabled
## Determines whether G.729 codec is available on the
## phone.
## 0 for G.729(A) disabled
## 1 for G.729(A) enabled without Annex B support
## 2 for G.729(A) enabled with Annex B support
## SET ENABLE_G729 1
## G.726 Codec Enabled
## Determines whether G.726 codec is available on the
## phone. This parameter is not supported on 16cc phones.
## 0 for No
## 1 for Yes
## SET ENABLE_G726 1
## G.726 Payload Type
## Specifies the RTP payload type to be used with the
## G.726 codec. (96-127). This parameter is not supported
## on 16cc phones.
## G.722 Codec Enabled
## Determines whether G.722 codec is available on the
## phone. This parameter is not supported on 16cc phones.
## 0 for No
## 1 for Yes
## SET ENABLE_G722 0
## DTMF Payload Type
## Specifies the RTP payload type to be used for RFC
## 2833 signaling. (96-127).
## DTMF Transmission Method
## Specifies whether DTMF tones are sent in-band, as
## regular audio, or out-of-band, using RFC 2833
## procedures.
## 1 for in-band
## 2 for out-of-band using RFC 2833
#################### COUNTRY SETTINGS ####################
## System-Wide Language
## Contains the name of the default system language file
## used in the phone. The filename should be one of the
## files listed in the LANGUAGES parameter. If no
## filename is specified, or if the filename does not
## match one of the LANGUAGES values, the phone shall use
## its built-in English text strings. 0 to 32 ASCII
## characters. Filename must end in .xml
## SET SYSTEM_LANGUAGE Mls_Spark_English.xml
## Installed Languages
## Specifies the language files to be installed/downloaded
## to the phone. Filenames may be full URL, relative
## pathname, or filename. (0 to 1096 ASCII characters,
## including commas). Filenames must end in .xml.
## SET LANGUAGES Mls_Spark_German.xml,Mls_Spark_ParisianFrench.xml,Mls_Spark_LatinAmericanSpanish.xml
## Call Progress Tone Country
## Country used for network call progress tones.
## For Argentina use keyword "Argentina"
## For Australia use keyword "Australia"
## For Brazil use keyword "Brazil"
## For Canada use keyword "USA"
## For France use keyword "France"
## For Germany use keyword "Germany"
## For Italy use keyword "Italy"
## For Ireland use keyword "Ireland"
## For Mexico use keyword "Mexico"
## For Spain use keyword "Spain"
## For United Kingdom use keyword "UK"
## For United States use keyword "USA"
## Date Format
## Specifies the format for dates displayed in the phone.
## Use %d for day of month
## Use %m for month in decimal format
## Use %y for year without century (e.g., 07)
## Use %Y for year with century (e.g., 2007)
## Any character not preceded by % is reproduced exactly.
## SET DATEFORMAT %m/%d/%y
## Time Format
## Specifies the format for time displayed in the phone.
## 0 for am/pm format
## 1 for 24h format
## Daylight Savings Time Mode
## Specifies daylight savings time setting for phone.
## 0 for no daylight saving time
## 1 for daylight savings activated (time set to DSTOFFSET)
## 2 for automatic daylight savings adjustment (as
## specified by DSTSTART and DSTSTOP)
################# TIMER PARAMETER SETTINGS ##############
## Registration Retry Timer
## Specifies number of seconds to wait for a SIP
## registration response before re-sending a registration
## request. (1-60).
## NOTE: For Avaya Distributed Office configurations,
## this parameter must be set to 60.
## Subscription Request Duration
## Specifies the duration of initial SUBSCRIBE messages
## sent from the phone. May be lowered by the server.
## (60–31536000 seconds). Maximum is one year; default is
## one day.
## No Digits Timeout
## Specifies the number of seconds after going off-hook
## that the phone waits to receive its first dialed digit.
## If no digits are entered within the specified time
## period, the phone plays a warning tone. (1-60)
## Inter-Digit Timeout
## Specifies the number of seconds after the user dials
## a digit and before the phone sends out a SIP INVITE.
## The expiration of this timer signifies the completion
## of the digit collection period. (1-10)
## Failed Session Removal Timer
## Specifies the number of seconds the phone will play
## re-order tone after an invalid extension has been
## dialed. If this timer expires, or if the user
## presses the End Call softkey, the re-order tone is
## stopped and the session line appearance is removed.
## (5-999)
## TCP Keep Alive Enabled
## Determines whether or not the phone sends TCP keep
## alive (TCP ACK) messages.
## 0 for No
## 1 for Yes
## TCP Keep Alive Time
## Specifies number of seconds an idle phone will wait
## before sending out a TCP keep alive (TCP ACK) message.
## (10-3600).
## TCP Keep Alive Interval
## Specifies number of seconds a phone will wait before
## re-transmitting a TCP keep alive (TCP ACK) message.
## (5-60).
################ EVENT LOGGING SETTINGS ##################
## Local Event Logging control
## Controls the level of events recorded in the phone's local
## log. Events with the selected severity level and higher
## will be logged.
## 0 for emergencies
## 1 for alerts
## 2 for critical
## 3 for errors
## 4 for warnings
## 5 for notices
## 6 for information
## 7 for debug
## Logging Categories
## Specifies categories to be logged in syslog and local
## log file. This parameter must be specified to log
## events below Errors level. Comma-separated list of
## keywords. See Administrator's guide for additional
## detail.
################### CERTIFICATE SETTINGS #################
## Certificate Server URI
## URI used to access SCEP server.
## HTTP Proxy
## Specifies proxy server used to set up HTTP connection
## for SCEP protocol. zero or one IP address in dotted
## decimal or DNS name format followed by optional colon
## and port number.
## SET HTTPPROXY proxy.mycompany.com
## HTTP Exception Domains
## A list of one or more HTTP proxy server exception
## domains separated by commas without any spaces.
## SCEP accesses to these addresses will not go through
## the proxy server.
## Certificate Common Name
## Common Name (CN) specified for SUBJECT of SCEP
## certificate request.
## Use $SERIALNO for phone's serial number
## Use $MACADDR for phone's MAC address
## Certificate Distinguished Name
## Specifies the part of SUBJECT in a certificate
## request which is common for requests from different
## phones. May include Organizational Unit, Organization,
## Location, State, Country, (0 to xx ASCII characters
## beginning with /).
## SET MYCERTDN /C=US/ST=NJ/L=MyTown/O=MyCompany
## Certificate Authority Identifier
## specifies the certificate with which the certificate
## request will be signed. Used especially by CAs that
## host mustiple CAs (for example, EJBCA). Some CAs
## will ignore this parameter if they act as only one
## CA (for example, Microsoft CA).
## Certificate Key Length
## specifies length of certificate private key for phone.
## (1024-2048).
## Certificate Renewal Threshold
## Specifies period of time after which to begin
## certificate renewal request. Specified as percentage
## of certificate's Validity Object.(1-99)
## Certificate Wait Behavior
## Specifies phone's behavior while performing
## certificate enrollment.
## 0 for periodic background check
## 1 for wait until phone receives certificate,
## denial, or pending notification before continuing
## startup operation
##################### PORT SETTINGS #####################
## UDP Minimum Port Value
## Specifies the lower limit of the UDP port range
## to be used by RTP/RTCP or SRTP/SRTCP connections.
## (1024 -65503).
## UDP Port Range
## Specifies the range or number of UDP ports
## available for RTP/RTCP or SRTP/SRTCP connections.
## This value is added to RTP_PORT_LOW to determine
## the upper limit of the UDP port range (32-64511).
## Signaling Port Minimum Value
## Specifies the minimum port value for SIP
## signaling.
## (1024 -65503).
## Signaling Port Range
## Specifies the range or number of SIP signaling
## ports. This value is added to SIG_PORT_LOW to
## determine the upper limit of the SIP signaling
## port range (32-64511).
## Secure SIP port
## Destination TCP port used for secure SIP registration
## and signaling messages sent over TLS link. For
## non-Avaya environments only. (1024-65535)
## ##
## ##
## WEBLMSRVR sets the IP address or Fully-Qualified Domain
## Name (FQDN) of the Licensing Server Name or Address. The
## default is null ("") but valid values are zero or more
## IP addresses in dotted-decimal or DNS format, separated
## by commas without intervening spaces, to a maximum of
## 255 ASCII characters.
## SP_DIRSRVR sets the IP address or Fully-Qualified Domain
## Name (FQDN) of the LDAP Directory Server Name or
## Address. The default is null ("") but valid values are
## zero or more IP addresses in dotted-decimal or DNS
## format, separated by commas without intervening spaces,
## to a maximum of 255 ASCII characters.
Post a switch config if you can...I still think there's something unusual going on with this, and based on:
when you plug the phone in you get 100m Full Duplex but if you plug the pc direct you get 10m Half Duplex
you may have something going on with the PC that only the Extreme has issues with...some type of NIC property like QoS Packet scheduler or other add-in.

You also might try locking EVERYTHING to 100/Full, the Extreme ports, the phone AND the PC. Your 46xxsettings.txt shows that the phones are set to auto negotiate. Change the following text (in red bold):
################## ETHERNET INTERFACES #####################
## Primary Interface Status
## Controls the speed and duplex settings for the primary
## Ethernet interface.
## 1 for auto-negotiate
## 2 for 10Mbps half-duplex
## 3 for 10Mbps full-duplex
## 4 for 100Mbps half-duplex
## 5 for 100Mbps full-duplex
## 6 for 1Gbps full-duplex (96xx phones only)
SET PHY1STAT 5[/color red]
## PC Interface Status
## Controls the speed and duplex settings for the PC
## Ethernet interface.
## 0 for disabled
## 1 for auto-negotiate
## 2 for 10Mbps half-duplex
## 3 for 10Mbps full-duplex
## 4 for 100Mbps half-duplex
## 5 for 100Mbps full-duplex
## 6 for 1Gbps full-duplex (96xx phones only)
SET PHY2STAT 5[/color red]

Be sure to change the PC's NIC properties to lock 100/full as well.
no worries i will give this a try, i have a show tech is that any good?

see below

show tech

-> @@@ general:
@@@ general:
-> show version
Switch : 800214-00-03 0826G-80273 Rev 3.0 BootROM: IMG:

Image : ExtremeXOS version v1233b6 by release-manager
on Fri Oct 16 20:01:57 PDT 2009
BootROM :
-> show switch

SysName: Floor1Voice1
SysContact: support@extremenetworks.com, +1 888 257 3000
System MAC: 00:04:96:35:1F:30
System Type: X250e-48p

SysHealth check: Enabled (Normal)
Recovery Mode: All
System Watchdog: Enabled

Current Time: Thu Jan 21 00:32:58 2010
Timezone: [Auto DST Disabled] GMT Offset: 0 minutes, name is UTC.
Boot Time: Thu Jan 21 00:11:33 2010
Boot Count: 9
Next Reboot: None scheduled
System UpTime: 21 minutes 25 seconds

Current State: OPERATIONAL
Image Selected: primary
Image Booted: primary
Primary ver:
Secondary ver:

Config Selected: primary.cfg
Config Booted: primary.cfg

primary.cfg Created by ExtremeXOS version
162182 bytes saved on Thu Dec 17 00:27:26 2009
-> show version images
Card Partition Installation Date Version Name Branch
Switch primary Thu Jan 21 00:08:00 UTC 2010 summitX- v1233b6
Switch secondary Sat May 19 04:23:15 UTC 2007 summitX450- v1201b11

-> show odometers
Service First Recorded
Field Replaceable Units Days Start Date
Switch : X250e-48p 543 Jul-11-2008
-> show temperature
Field Replaceable Units Temp (C) Status Min Normal Max
Switch : X250e-48p 36.00 Normal -10 0-55 60
-> ls
-rw-rw-rw- 1 root 0 162182 Dec 17 00:27 primary.cfg

1k-blocks Used Available Use%
16384 480 15904 3%
-> debug hal show compact-flash
Compact Flash and all filesystems appear normal
-> @@@ config:
@@@ config:
-> show config
# Module devmgr configuration.
configure snmp sysName "Floor1Voice1"
configure sys-recovery-level switch reset

# Module vlan configuration.
configure vlan default delete ports 1-50
create qosprofile "QP5"
create vlan "EAPSCONTROL"
configure vlan EAPSCONTROL tag 100
create vlan "VoiceData"
configure vlan VoiceData tag 10
enable diffserv examination port 1
configure ports 1 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 1 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 2
configure ports 2 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 2 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 3
configure ports 3 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 3 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 4
configure ports 4 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 4 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 5
configure ports 5 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 5 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 6
configure ports 6 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 6 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 7
configure ports 7 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 7 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 8
configure ports 8 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 8 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 9
configure ports 9 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 9 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 10
configure ports 10 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 10 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 11
configure ports 11 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 11 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 12
configure ports 12 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 12 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 13
configure ports 13 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 13 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 14
configure ports 14 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 14 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 15
configure ports 15 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 15 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 16
configure ports 16 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 16 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 17
configure ports 17 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 17 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 18
configure ports 18 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 18 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 19
configure ports 19 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 19 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 20
configure ports 20 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 20 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 21
configure ports 21 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 21 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 22
configure ports 22 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 22 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 23
configure ports 23 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 23 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 24
configure ports 24 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 24 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 25
configure ports 25 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 25 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 26
configure ports 26 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 26 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 27
configure ports 27 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 27 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 28
configure ports 28 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 28 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 29
configure ports 29 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 29 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 30
configure ports 30 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 30 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 31
configure ports 31 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 31 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 32
configure ports 32 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 32 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 33
configure ports 33 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 33 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 34
configure ports 34 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 34 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 35
configure ports 35 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 35 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 36
configure ports 36 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 36 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 37
configure ports 37 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 37 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 38
configure ports 38 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 38 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 39
configure ports 39 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 39 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 40
configure ports 40 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 40 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 41
configure ports 41 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 41 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 42
configure ports 42 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 42 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 43
configure ports 43 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 43 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 44
configure ports 44 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 44 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 45
configure ports 45 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 45 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 46
enable diffserv examination port 47
configure ports 47 auto on speed 100 duplex full
enable diffserv examination port 48
configure ports 48 auto on speed 100 duplex full
enable diffserv examination port 49
enable diffserv examination port 50
enable sharing 47 grouping 47-48 algorithm address-based L2
configure vlan EAPSCONTROL add ports 47, 49 tagged
configure vlan VoiceData add ports 47, 49 tagged
configure vlan VoiceData add ports 1-46, 50 untagged
configure vlan Default ipaddress
configure vlan VoiceData ipaddress
configure qosprofile QP5 maxbuffer 100 weight 1
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 1
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 2
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 3
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 4
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 5
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 6
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 7
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 8
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 9
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 10
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 11
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 12
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 13
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 14
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 15
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 16
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 17
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 18
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 19
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 20
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 21
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 22
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 23
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 24
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 25
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 26
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 27
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 28
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 29
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 30
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 31
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 32
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 33
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 34
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 35
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 36
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 37
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 38
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 39
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 40
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 41
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 42
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 43
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 44
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 45
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 46
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 47
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 48
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 49
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 50
configure diffserv examination code-point 34 qosprofile QP5
configure diffserv examination code-point 46 qosprofile QP5
configure diffserv replacement priority 4 code-point 46

# Module fdb configuration.
configure iparp vr VR-Default max_entries 4096

# Module rtmgr configuration.

# Module mcmgr configuration.

# Module aaa configuration.
configure account admin encrypted "31m3w9$5nolCf5rS.RlqpyhSsRKZ1"
configure account user encrypted "vGJnv9$mLJYLkAuFGKGsbsg6dgF1."

# Module acl configuration.

configure access-list zone DOS application Dos application-priority 1
configure access-list zone SYSTEM application NetLogin application-priority 3
configure access-list zone SECURITY application GenericXml application-priority 2

# Module cfgmgr configuration.

# Module dosprotect configuration.
enable dos-protect

# Module dot1ag configuration.

# Module eaps configuration.
enable eaps
create eaps VoiceData
configure eaps VoiceData mode master
configure eaps VoiceData primary port 47
configure eaps VoiceData secondary port 49
enable eaps VoiceData
configure eaps VoiceData add control vlan EAPSCONTROL
configure eaps VoiceData add protected vlan VoiceData

# Module edp configuration.

# Module elrp configuration.

# Module ems configuration.

# Module epm configuration.
enable cpu-monitoring interval 20 threshold 60

# Module esrp configuration.

# Module ethoam configuration.

# Module etmon configuration.

# Module hal configuration.

# Module ipSecurity configuration.

# Module lldp configuration.

# Module msdp configuration.

# Module netLogin configuration.

# Module netTools configuration.
configure bootprelay add vr VR-Default

# Module poe configuration.
configure inline-power usage-threshold 90
configure inline-power priority high ports 30

# Module rip configuration.

# Module ripng configuration.

# Module snmpMaster configuration.
configure snmpv3 add user admin authentication md5 hex 18:84:2c:bc:e5:bf:27:d8:95:80:c5:39:1e:c6:1b:8a privacy hex 18:84:2c:bc:e5:bf:27:d8:95:80:c5:39:1e:c6:1b:8a
configure snmpv3 add user initial
configure snmpv3 add user initialmd5 authentication md5 hex 61:37:ff:e0:8e:df:3d:8d:d3:c3:80:b8:8b:3d:75:c9
configure snmpv3 add user initialsha authentication sha hex 18:39:6e:06:f6:f1:cc:f9:34:cb:2a:0c:5e:be:18:ae:cc:04:b6:ee
configure snmpv3 add user initialmd5Priv authentication md5 hex ca:97:b6:9c:5c:dc:23:31:e5:fe:ba:f0:09:e6:45:33 privacy hex ca:97:b6:9c:5c:dc:23:31:e5:fe:ba:f0:09:e6:45:33
configure snmpv3 add user initialshaPriv authentication sha hex 0c:ef:7f:18:16:73:87:6d:96:90:b5:11:e6:21:e4:fe:57:6e:92:a0 privacy hex 0c:ef:7f:18:16:73:87:6d:96:90:b5:11:e6:21:e4:fe:57:6e:92:a0
configure snmpv3 add group v1v2c_ro user v1v2c_ro sec-model snmpv1
configure snmpv3 add group v1v2c_rw user v1v2c_rw sec-model snmpv1
configure snmpv3 add group v1v2c_ro user v1v2c_ro sec-model snmpv2c
configure snmpv3 add group v1v2c_rw user v1v2c_rw sec-model snmpv2c
configure snmpv3 add group admin user admin sec-model usm
configure snmpv3 add group initial user initial sec-model usm
configure snmpv3 add group initial user initialmd5 sec-model usm
configure snmpv3 add group initial user initialsha sec-model usm
configure snmpv3 add group initial user initialmd5Priv sec-model usm
configure snmpv3 add group initial user initialshaPriv sec-model usm
configure snmpv3 add access admin sec-model usm sec-level priv read-view defaultAdminView write-view defaultAdminView notify-view defaultNotifyView
configure snmpv3 add access initial sec-model usm sec-level noauth read-view defaultUserView notify-view defaultNotifyView
configure snmpv3 add access initial sec-model usm sec-level authnopriv read-view defaultUserView write-view defaultUserView notify-view defaultNotifyView
configure snmpv3 add access v1v2c_ro sec-model snmpv1 sec-level noauth read-view defaultUserView notify-view defaultNotifyView
configure snmpv3 add access v1v2c_ro sec-model snmpv2c sec-level noauth read-view defaultUserView notify-view defaultNotifyView
configure snmpv3 add access v1v2c_rw sec-model snmpv1 sec-level noauth read-view defaultUserView write-view defaultUserView notify-view defaultNotifyView
configure snmpv3 add access v1v2c_rw sec-model snmpv2c sec-level noauth read-view defaultUserView write-view defaultUserView notify-view defaultNotifyView
configure snmpv3 add access v1v2cNotifyGroup sec-model snmpv1 sec-level noauth notify-view defaultNotifyView
configure snmpv3 add access v1v2cNotifyGroup sec-model snmpv2c sec-level noauth notify-view defaultNotifyView
configure snmpv3 add mib-view defaultUserView subtree 1 type included
configure snmpv3 add mib-view defaultUserView subtree type excluded
configure snmpv3 add mib-view defaultUserView subtree type excluded
configure snmpv3 add mib-view defaultUserView subtree type excluded
configure snmpv3 add mib-view defaultUserView subtree type excluded
configure snmpv3 add mib-view defaultUserView subtree type excluded
configure snmpv3 add mib-view defaultAdminView subtree 1 type included
configure snmpv3 add mib-view defaultNotifyView subtree 1 type included
configure snmpv3 add community private name private user v1v2c_rw

configure snmpv3 add community public name public user v1v2c_ro

configure snmpv3 add notify defaultNotify tag defaultNotify
disable snmp access

# Module stp configuration.
configure mstp region 000496351f30
configure stpd s0 delete vlan default ports all
disable stpd s0 auto-bind vlan default
enable stpd s0 auto-bind vlan Default

# Module telnetd configuration.

# Module tftpd configuration.

# Module thttpd configuration.
enable web http
-> @@@ power:
@@@ power:
-> show power detail

PowerSupply 1 information:
State: Powered On
PartInfo: Internal Power Supply

PowerSupply 2 information:
State: Empty

PowerSupply 3 information:
State: Empty

PowerSupply 4 information:
State: Empty
-> @@@ vlan:
@@@ vlan:
-> show vlan
Name VID Protocol Addr Flags Proto Ports Virtual
Active router
Default 1 /24 ----------------------- ANY 0 /0 VR-Default
EAPSCONTROL 100 -------------------------------------C----- ANY 2 /2 VR-Default
Mgmt 4095 ------------------------------------------- ANY 0 /1 VR-Mgmt
VoiceData 10 /16 -----------------P----- ANY 41/49 VR-Default
Flags : (C) EAPS Control VLAN, (d) NetLogin Dynamically created VLAN,
(D) VLAN Admin Disabled, (E) ESRP Enabled, (f) IP Forwarding Enabled,
(F) Learning Disabled, (i) ISIS Enabled, (L) Loopback Enabled,
(l) MPLS Enabled, (m) IPmc Forwarding Enabled,
(M) Translation Member VLAN or Subscriber VLAN, (n) IP Multinetting Enabled,
(N) Network Login VLAN, (o) OSPF Enabled, (O) Flooding Disabled, (p) PIM Enabled,
(P) EAPS protected VLAN, (r) RIP Enabled, (R) Sub-VLAN IP Range Configured,
(s) Sub-VLAN, (S) Super-VLAN, (t) Translation VLAN or Network VLAN,
(T) Member of STP Domain, (V) VPLS Enabled, (v) VRRP Enabled

Total number of VLAN(s) : 4
-> debug vlan show vlans

Dumping vlan data base from process: --- vlan --
Vlan:Default vlanIf:0x100ca2f8 vlanInstance:1000004 vlanId:1 tagged:1
Num ports:0 state:0 speed:0, type:2 noVpifs: 0
noActiveVpifs:0 ipfwd:0 ip6fwd:0 vlanNameInkernel:Defau_F4244
flags:0x10100000000[-] mtu:1500 noIp:1 qos:0 l2Protos:0 adminState:1
ifIndex:11 ifInstance:1000004 fwdState:1
filter: ANY
vr name: VR-Default
Sub Vlan Proxy ARP is enabled on this sub-vlan
Vlan:EAPSCONTROL vlanIf:0x100f2600 vlanInstance:1000012 vlanId:100 tagged:1
Num ports:2 state:1 speed:3, type:3 noVpifs: 2
noActiveVpifs:2 ipfwd:0 ip6fwd:0 vlanNameInkernel:EAPSC_F424C
flags:0x10b00000000[-] mtu:1500 noIp:0 qos:0 l2Protos:0 adminState:1
ifIndex:12 ifInstance:1000012 fwdState:1
filter: ANY
vr name: VR-Default
Sub Vlan Proxy ARP is enabled on this sub-vlan
Vlan:Mgmt vlanIf:0x100f16b8 vlanInstance:1000005 vlanId:4095 tagged:1
Num ports:1 state:0 speed:0, type:0 noVpifs: 1
noActiveVpifs:0 ipfwd:0 ip6fwd:0 vlanNameInkernel:eth0
flags:0x0[-] mtu:1500 noIp:0 qos:0 l2Protos:0 adminState:1
ifIndex:2 ifInstance:1000005 fwdState:1
filter: ANY
vr name: VR-Mgmt
Vlan:VoiceData vlanIf:0x100f2a00 vlanInstance:1000010 vlanId:10 tagged:1
Num ports:49 state:1 speed:3, type:3 noVpifs: 49
noActiveVpifs:42 ipfwd:0 ip6fwd:0 vlanNameInkernel:Voice_F424A
flags:0x10500000000[-] mtu:1500 noIp:1 qos:0 l2Protos:64 adminState:1
ifIndex:13 ifInstance:1000010 fwdState:1
filter: ANY
vr name: VR-Default
Sub Vlan Proxy ARP is enabled on this sub-vlan
Total vlans: 4, Next vlanId(to be allocated): 4090
-> debug vlan show globalData
VLAN MGR: SNMP: ifTable: nextIfInstance: 1000013, nextVpifInstance: 50000358, nextL3AddrInstance:0.
Total vlans: 4. No of Trunks:1, No of vpifs:52,
ipmlMsgTx: 972, ipmlMsgsRcvd: 265, ipmlMsgsTxErr: 0, msgErrInKernel: 0
GvlanIf.vlanId:4090,ifTable.nextIfInstanceForInternalClients: 1000000
noPeersConnected: 30
Vlan: DM variables: noMsgsTxToOtherMsm: 0, noMsgsRxFromOtherMsm: 0, noMsgsTxErrorsToOtherMsm: 0.
-> show ports sharing
Load Sharing Monitor
Config Current Agg Ld Share Ld Share Agg Link Link Up
Master Master Control Algorithm Group Mbr State Transitions
47 47 Static L2 47 Y A 1
L2 48 - R 0
Link State: A-Active, D-Disabled, R-Ready, NP-Port not present, L-Loopback
Load Sharing Algorithm: (L2) Layer 2 address based
(L3_L4) Layer 3 address and Layer 4 port based
Number of load sharing trunks: 1
-> @@@ mcmgr:
@@@ mcmgr:
-> show igmp snooping
Vlan Vid Port #Senders #Receivers Router Enable
Default 1 0 Yes
VoiceData 10 1 Yes
3 1 No
8 1 No
9 1 No
30 1 No
32 1 No
43 1 No
45 1 No
47 4 Yes
-> @@@ log:
@@@ log:
-> show log
01/21/2010 00:32:50.66 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateDown> Port 44 link down
01/21/2010 00:32:50.61 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 44 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:32:47.66 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateDown> Port 44 link down
01/21/2010 00:32:47.61 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 44 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:32:43.40 <Info:AAA.authPass> Login passed for user admin through telnet (
01/21/2010 00:31:34.99 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 30 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:31:32.98 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateDown> Port 30 link down
01/21/2010 00:30:39.72 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 32 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:30:36.93 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateDown> Port 32 link down
01/21/2010 00:29:16.72 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 30 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:29:15.43 <Noti:pOE.port_delivering> Port 30 is delivering power
01/21/2010 00:29:12.02 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateDown> Port 30 link down
01/21/2010 00:27:40.14 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 32 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:27:37.54 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateDown> Port 32 link down
01/21/2010 00:25:33.32 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 30 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and half-duplex
01/21/2010 00:25:31.30 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateDown> Port 30 link down
01/21/2010 00:24:28.29 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 30 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:24:12.64 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateDown> Port 30 link down
01/21/2010 00:22:40.49 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateDown> Port 44 link down
01/21/2010 00:22:40.44 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 44 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:19:41.21 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateDown> Port 44 link down
01/21/2010 00:19:41.16 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 44 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:19:38.51 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 30 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:19:37.37 <Noti:pOE.port_delivering> Port 30 is delivering power
01/21/2010 00:19:29.24 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateDown> Port 30 link down
01/21/2010 00:19:02.71 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 30 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:19:02.67 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateDown> Port 30 link down
01/21/2010 00:19:02.66 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 30 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:19:02.59 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateDown> Port 30 link down
01/21/2010 00:18:24.36 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateDown> Port 44 link down
01/21/2010 00:18:24.26 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 44 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:17:22.35 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 30 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and half-duplex
01/21/2010 00:17:10.48 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateDown> Port 30 link down
01/21/2010 00:16:40.61 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 32 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:16:36.44 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateDown> Port 44 link down
01/21/2010 00:16:36.39 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 44 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:15:46.55 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateDown> Port 44 link down
01/21/2010 00:15:46.35 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 44 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:15:00.96 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateDown> Port 44 link down
01/21/2010 00:15:00.81 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 44 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:14:38.02 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 30 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:14:36.32 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateDown> Port 30 link down
01/21/2010 00:14:23.47 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateDown> Port 44 link down
01/21/2010 00:14:23.42 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 44 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:14:06.38 <Info:AAA.authPass> Login passed for user admin through xml (
01/21/2010 00:13:51.71 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateDown> Port 44 link down
01/21/2010 00:13:51.56 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 44 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:07.02 <Info:EAPS.TransPortState> EAPSD VoiceData - 47 state transition from Blocked => Up
01/21/2010 00:13:07.01 <Info:EAPS.TransDmnState> EAPSD VoiceData - State transition from Pre-Complete => Complete
01/21/2010 00:13:06.98 <Info:EAPS.TransPortState> EAPSD VoiceData - 49 state transition from Up => Blocked
01/21/2010 00:13:06.98 <Info:EAPS.TransDmnState> EAPSD VoiceData - State transition from Init => Pre-Complete
01/21/2010 00:13:06.18 <Info:EAPS.TransDmnState> EAPSD VoiceData - State transition from Failed => Init
01/21/2010 00:13:06.18 <Info:EAPS.TransPortState> EAPSD VoiceData - 47 state transition from Up => Blocked
01/21/2010 00:13:06.18 <Info:EAPS.TransPortState> EAPSD VoiceData - 47 state transition from Down => Up
01/21/2010 00:13:06.17 <Info:EAPS.RxPduLinkUp> EAPSD VoiceData - Received Link-Up-Pdu (MAC = 02:04:96:34:E3:9D)
01/21/2010 00:13:06.16 <Info:vlan.dbg.info> Port 47 is UP with speed 100, Add to aggregator 47 with speed: (down)
01/21/2010 00:13:06.14 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 47 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:04.67 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 12 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:04.66 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 5 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:04.65 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 31 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:04.63 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 24 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:04.61 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 23 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:04.60 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 21 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:04.59 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 35 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:04.57 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 19 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:04.55 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 18 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:04.54 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 17 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:04.52 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 16 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:04.50 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 45 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:04.49 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 15 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:04.48 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 42 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:04.29 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 14 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:04.26 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 25 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:04.24 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 43 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:04.23 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 41 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:04.22 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 13 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:04.21 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 10 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:04.19 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 40 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:04.18 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 39 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:04.16 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 8 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:04.15 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 38 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:04.14 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 37 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:04.12 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 36 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:04.10 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 27 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:04.09 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 26 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:04.08 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 3 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:04.07 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 34 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:04.05 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 33 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:04.04 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 30 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:04.02 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 29 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:04.01 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 28 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:03.99 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 11 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:03.63 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 9 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:03.61 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 6 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:03.58 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 1 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:03.57 <Info:vlan.dbg.info> Media SX is inserted into Port 49
01/21/2010 00:13:03.53 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 4 link UP at speed 100 Mbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:13:03.45 <Info:HAL.Sys.Info> Input voltage to Internal power supply is on. Output enabled.
01/21/2010 00:13:03.45 <Info:HAL.Sys.Info> Internal power supply is inserted.
01/21/2010 00:13:03.39 <Info:HAL.Card.Info> Switch is operational
01/21/2010 00:13:03.29 <Info:EAPS.TransPortState> EAPSD VoiceData - 49 state transition from Down => Up
01/21/2010 00:13:03.28 <Info:vlan.msgs.portLinkStateUp> Port 49 link UP at speed 1 Gbps and full-duplex
01/21/2010 00:12:55.25 <Noti:EPM.system_stable> System is stable. Change to warm reset mode
01/21/2010 00:12:53.82 <Info:EAPS.TransDmnState> EAPSD VoiceData - State transition from Idle => Failed
01/21/2010 00:12:53.82 <Info:EAPS.TransPortState> EAPSD VoiceData - 49 state transition from Unknown => Down
01/21/2010 00:12:53.82 <Info:EAPS.TransPortState> EAPSD VoiceData - 47 state transition from Unknown => Down
01/21/2010 00:12:47.49 <Info:EPM.wdg_enable> Watchdog enabled
01/21/2010 00:12:36.60 <Info:SNMP.Master.InitDone> snmpMaster initialization complete
01/21/2010 00:12:33.25 <Info:DOSProt.Init> DOS protect application started successfully
01/21/2010 00:12:31.86 <Info:telnetd.info> **** telnetd started *****
01/21/2010 00:12:30.42 <Noti:DM.Notice> Node State[3] = OPERATIONAL
01/21/2010 00:12:26.92 <Noti:DM.Notice> Node State[2] = STANDBY
01/21/2010 00:12:26.92 <Info:DM.Info> Node INIT DONE ....
01/21/2010 00:12:26.48 <Info:tftpd.info> **** tftpd started *****
01/21/2010 00:12:25.90 <Noti:DM.Notice> Node State[1] = INIT
01/21/2010 00:12:25.32 <Info:HAL.Sys.Info> Hal initialization done.
01/21/2010 00:12:24.87 <Info:SNMP.Subagent.InitDone> snmpSubagent initialization complete
01/21/2010 00:12:22.95 <Info:nl.init> Network Login framework has been initialized
01/21/2010 00:12:21.34 <Info:telnetd.info> telnetd listening on port 23
01/21/2010 00:12:19.41 <Info:HAL.Sys.Info> Starting hal initialization ....
01/21/2010 00:12:15.25 <Noti:DM.Notice> DM started
01/21/2010 00:12:14.84 <Noti:NM.Notice> NM started
01/21/2010 00:12:14.33 <Noti:EPM.start> EPM Started
01/21/2010 00:12:12.50 <Noti:EPM.wd_warm_reset> Changing to watchdog warm reset mode
01/21/2010 00:08:01.26 <UNKNW:EPM.38> NO MESSAGE DECODE; Missing component "EPM" v30.1
DUMP-00: 00 4D 00 01 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 AD 4B 57 9A E1 '.M..........KW..'
DUMP-10: 00 04 0C A9 00 11 00 26 01 FF 00 08 65 70 6D 00 '.......&....epm.'
DUMP-20: 06 00 00 21 55 73 65 72 20 72 65 71 75 65 73 74 '...!User request'
DUMP-30: 65 64 20 73 77 69 74 63 68 20 72 65 62 6F 6F 74 'ed switch reboot'
DUMP-40: 00 08 FF 00 0C 00 1E 00 01 45 50 4D 00 '.........EPM. '
01/21/2010 00:03:49.75 <Warn:EPM.Upgrade.State> Upgrade status Start upgrade timer
12/17/2009 00:24:07.25 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user adminFloor1Voice1 through telnet (
12/17/2009 00:10:30.67 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user adminFloor1Voice1 through xml (
12/16/2009 23:51:03.26 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user admin through telnet (
12/16/2009 23:50:50.96 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user q through telnet (
12/16/2009 23:34:14.36 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user admin through telnet (
12/16/2009 21:31:59.35 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user admin through xml (
11/11/2009 23:00:02.59 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user admin through telnet (
11/11/2009 21:53:58.78 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user [K through telnet (
11/11/2009 21:47:54.92 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user Floor1Voice1 through telnet (
11/11/2009 21:47:39.73 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user floor1voice1 through telnet (
11/11/2009 21:46:02.04 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user through telnet (
11/11/2009 21:45:14.34 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user floor1voice1 through telnet (
11/11/2009 21:44:31.12 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Previous message repeated 2 additional times in the last 8 second(s)
11/11/2009 21:44:21.47 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user Floor1Voice1 through telnet (
11/11/2009 21:43:27.22 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Previous message repeated 3 additional times in the last 33 second(s)
11/11/2009 21:43:14.66 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user floor1voice1 through telnet (
11/11/2009 21:27:17.63 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Previous message repeated 2 additional times in the last 18 second(s)
11/11/2009 21:27:04.40 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user Floor1Voice1 through telnet (
10/14/2009 20:15:21.94 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user admin through telnet (
10/14/2009 20:15:07.92 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user Admin through telnet (
10/14/2009 20:14:52.13 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Previous message repeated 2 additional times in the last 8 second(s)
10/14/2009 20:14:38.47 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user admin through telnet (
10/14/2009 20:14:31.05 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user admin through telnet (
10/14/2009 20:14:21.03 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user Admin through telnet (
10/14/2009 20:09:34.80 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user Floor1Voice1 through telnet (
10/14/2009 20:09:18.55 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user Floor1 through telnet (
09/08/2009 22:30:00.59 <UNKNW:EAPS.2> NO MESSAGE DECODE; Missing component "EAPS" v18.2
DUMP-00: 00 6C 00 01 FF FF FF FF 00 00 01 C9 4A A6 DA E8 '.l..........J...'
DUMP-10: 00 09 15 B9 00 7B 00 02 01 FF 00 09 65 61 70 73 '.....{......eaps'
DUMP-20: 00 06 00 00 3E 45 41 50 53 44 20 56 6F 69 63 65 '....>EAPSD Voice'
DUMP-30: 44 61 74 61 20 2D 20 46 61 69 6C 20 74 69 6D 65 'Data - Fail time'
DUMP-40: 72 20 65 78 70 69 72 65 64 2C 20 77 68 69 6C 65 'r expired, while'
DUMP-50: 20 73 74 61 74 65 20 69 73 20 49 6E 69 74 00 08 ' state is Init..'
DUMP-60: FF 00 0D 00 12 00 02 45 41 50 53 00 '.......EAPS. '
09/08/2009 22:26:59.33 <UNKNW:pOE.15> NO MESSAGE DECODE; Missing component "POE" v2.1
DUMP-00: 00 34 00 01 FF FF FF FF 00 00 02 1A 4A A6 DA 33 '.4..........J..3'
DUMP-10: 00 05 1E 19 00 9E 00 0F 01 FF 00 08 70 6F 65 00 '............poe.'
DUMP-20: 02 00 00 08 00 00 00 01 08 FF 00 0C 00 02 00 01 '................'
DUMP-30: 50 4F 45 00 'POE. '
09/08/2009 22:26:44.26 <UNKNW:pOE.18> NO MESSAGE DECODE; Missing component "POE" v2.1
DUMP-00: 00 3C 00 01 FF FF FF FF 00 00 02 1A 4A A6 DA 24 '.<..........J..$'
DUMP-10: 00 04 0C A9 00 9E 00 12 01 FF 00 08 70 6F 65 00 '............poe.'
DUMP-20: 02 00 00 08 00 00 00 01 02 01 00 08 00 00 00 05 '................'
DUMP-30: 08 FF 00 0C 00 02 00 01 50 4F 45 00 '........POE. '
09/08/2009 22:26:44.12 <UNKNW:pOE.18> NO MESSAGE DECODE; Missing component "POE" v2.1
DUMP-00: 00 3C 00 01 FF FF FF FF 00 00 02 1A 4A A6 DA 24 '.<..........J..$'
DUMP-10: 00 01 E9 C9 00 9E 00 12 01 FF 00 08 70 6F 65 00 '............poe.'
DUMP-20: 02 00 00 08 00 00 00 01 02 01 00 08 00 00 00 04 '................'
DUMP-30: 08 FF 00 0C 00 02 00 01 50 4F 45 00 '........POE. '
09/08/2009 22:26:43.95 <UNKNW:pOE.18> NO MESSAGE DECODE; Missing component "POE" v2.1
DUMP-00: 00 3C 00 01 FF FF FF FF 00 00 02 1A 4A A6 DA 23 '.<..........J..#'
DUMP-10: 00 0E 93 F9 00 9E 00 12 01 FF 00 08 70 6F 65 00 '............poe.'
DUMP-20: 02 00 00 08 00 00 00 01 02 01 00 08 00 00 00 03 '................'
DUMP-30: 08 FF 00 0C 00 02 00 01 50 4F 45 00 '........POE. '
09/08/2009 22:26:43.84 <UNKNW:pOE.18> NO MESSAGE DECODE; Missing component "POE" v2.1
DUMP-00: 00 3C 00 01 FF FF FF FF 00 00 02 1A 4A A6 DA 23 '.<..........J..#'
DUMP-10: 00 0C E6 49 00 9E 00 12 01 FF 00 08 70 6F 65 00 '...I........poe.'
DUMP-20: 02 00 00 08 00 00 00 01 02 01 00 08 00 00 00 02 '................'
DUMP-30: 08 FF 00 0C 00 02 00 01 50 4F 45 00 '........POE. '
09/08/2009 22:26:43.69 <UNKNW:pOE.18> NO MESSAGE DECODE; Missing component "POE" v2.1
DUMP-00: 00 3C 00 01 FF FF FF FF 00 00 02 1A 4A A6 DA 23 '.<..........J..#'
DUMP-10: 00 0A 9C 59 00 9E 00 12 01 FF 00 08 70 6F 65 00 '...Y........poe.'
DUMP-20: 02 00 00 08 00 00 00 01 02 01 00 08 00 00 00 01 '................'
DUMP-30: 08 FF 00 0C 00 02 00 01 50 4F 45 00 '........POE. '
06/10/2009 17:09:10.88 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user admin through telnet (
06/10/2009 17:08:59.88 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user Floor1Voice1 through telnet (
06/10/2009 17:08:52.09 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user admin through telnet (
06/10/2009 17:00:32.02 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user admin through telnet (
05/26/2009 22:02:52.34 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user adminFloor1Voice1 through telnet (
05/26/2009 21:38:13.65 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user admin through telnet (
05/26/2009 21:18:19.64 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user Admin through telnet (
05/26/2009 21:15:57.77 <UNKNW:EAPS.2> NO MESSAGE DECODE; Missing component "EAPS" v18.2
DUMP-00: 00 6C 00 01 FF FF FF FF 00 00 01 C9 4A 1C 5C 0D '.l..........J.\.'
DUMP-10: 00 0B D4 D9 00 7B 00 02 01 FF 00 09 65 61 70 73 '.....{......eaps'
DUMP-20: 00 06 00 00 3E 45 41 50 53 44 20 56 6F 69 63 65 '....>EAPSD Voice'
DUMP-30: 44 61 74 61 20 2D 20 46 61 69 6C 20 74 69 6D 65 'Data - Fail time'
DUMP-40: 72 20 65 78 70 69 72 65 64 2C 20 77 68 69 6C 65 'r expired, while'
DUMP-50: 20 73 74 61 74 65 20 69 73 20 49 6E 69 74 00 08 ' state is Init..'
DUMP-60: FF 00 0D 00 12 00 02 45 41 50 53 00 '.......EAPS. '
05/20/2009 18:45:35.78 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user admin through telnet (
05/20/2009 18:45:28.64 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user admin through telnet (
05/15/2009 17:31:09.32 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user administrator through serial
05/15/2009 17:30:59.43 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user admin through serial
05/15/2009 17:30:50.69 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user administrator through serial
05/15/2009 17:30:38.94 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user admin through serial
04/08/2009 22:31:32.75 <UNKNW:EAPS.2> NO MESSAGE DECODE; Missing component "EAPS" v18.2
DUMP-00: 00 6C 00 01 FF FF FF FF 00 00 01 C9 49 DD 25 C4 '.l..........I.%.'
DUMP-10: 00 0B 86 B9 00 7B 00 02 01 FF 00 09 65 61 70 73 '.....{......eaps'
DUMP-20: 00 06 00 00 3E 45 41 50 53 44 20 56 6F 69 63 65 '....>EAPSD Voice'
DUMP-30: 44 61 74 61 20 2D 20 46 61 69 6C 20 74 69 6D 65 'Data - Fail time'
DUMP-40: 72 20 65 78 70 69 72 65 64 2C 20 77 68 69 6C 65 'r expired, while'
DUMP-50: 20 73 74 61 74 65 20 69 73 20 49 6E 69 74 00 08 ' state is Init..'
DUMP-60: FF 00 0D 00 12 00 02 45 41 50 53 00 '.......EAPS. '
04/08/2009 22:31:29.77 <UNKNW:EAPS.2> NO MESSAGE DECODE; Missing component "EAPS" v18.2
DUMP-00: 00 70 00 01 FF FF FF FF 00 00 01 C9 49 DD 25 C1 '.p..........I.%.'
DUMP-10: 00 0B D4 D9 00 7B 00 02 01 FF 00 09 65 61 70 73 '.....{......eaps'
DUMP-20: 00 06 00 00 42 45 41 50 53 44 20 56 6F 69 63 65 '....BEAPSD Voice'
DUMP-30: 44 61 74 61 20 2D 20 46 61 69 6C 20 74 69 6D 65 'Data - Fail time'
DUMP-40: 72 20 65 78 70 69 72 65 64 2C 20 77 68 69 6C 65 'r expired, while'
DUMP-50: 20 73 74 61 74 65 20 69 73 20 50 72 65 2D 49 6E ' state is Pre-In'
DUMP-60: 69 74 00 08 FF 00 0D 00 12 00 02 45 41 50 53 00 'it.........EAPS.'
04/07/2009 22:21:45.82 <UNKNW:EAPS.2> NO MESSAGE DECODE; Missing component "EAPS" v18.2
DUMP-00: 00 6C 00 01 FF FF FF FF 00 00 01 C9 49 DB D1 F9 '.l..........I...'
DUMP-10: 00 0C 98 29 00 7B 00 02 01 FF 00 09 65 61 70 73 '...).{......eaps'
DUMP-20: 00 06 00 00 3E 45 41 50 53 44 20 56 6F 69 63 65 '....>EAPSD Voice'
DUMP-30: 44 61 74 61 20 2D 20 46 61 69 6C 20 74 69 6D 65 'Data - Fail time'
DUMP-40: 72 20 65 78 70 69 72 65 64 2C 20 77 68 69 6C 65 'r expired, while'
DUMP-50: 20 73 74 61 74 65 20 69 73 20 49 6E 69 74 00 08 ' state is Init..'
DUMP-60: FF 00 0D 00 12 00 02 45 41 50 53 00 '.......EAPS. '
03/24/2009 19:05:09.46 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user admin through xml (
03/24/2009 19:04:49.73 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Previous message repeated 2 additional times in the last 7 second(s)
10/23/2008 22:02:18.48 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user admin through telnet (
10/16/2008 00:38:11.29 <UNKNW:EAPS.2> NO MESSAGE DECODE; Missing component "EAPS" v18.2
DUMP-00: 00 6C 00 01 FF FF FF FF 00 00 01 C1 48 F6 8C F3 '.l..........H...'
DUMP-10: 00 04 80 4C 00 7B 00 02 01 FF 00 09 65 61 70 73 '...L.{......eaps'
DUMP-20: 00 06 00 00 3E 45 41 50 53 44 20 56 6F 69 63 65 '....>EAPSD Voice'
DUMP-30: 44 61 74 61 20 2D 20 46 61 69 6C 20 74 69 6D 65 'Data - Fail time'
DUMP-40: 72 20 65 78 70 69 72 65 64 2C 20 77 68 69 6C 65 'r expired, while'
DUMP-50: 20 73 74 61 74 65 20 69 73 20 49 6E 69 74 00 08 ' state is Init..'
DUMP-60: FF 00 0D 00 12 00 02 45 41 50 53 00 '.......EAPS. '
10/09/2008 00:14:42.29 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user admin through telnet (
10/09/2008 00:14:34.06 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user Floor1Voice1 through telnet (
10/09/2008 00:14:25.02 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user admin through telnet (
10/01/2008 06:02:30.59 <UNKNW:EAPS.2> NO MESSAGE DECODE; Missing component "EAPS" v18.2
DUMP-00: 00 6C 00 01 FF FF FF FF 00 00 01 C1 48 E3 12 76 '.l..........H..v'
DUMP-10: 00 09 14 2C 00 7B 00 02 01 FF 00 09 65 61 70 73 '...,.{......eaps'
DUMP-20: 00 06 00 00 3E 45 41 50 53 44 20 56 6F 69 63 65 '....>EAPSD Voice'
DUMP-30: 44 61 74 61 20 2D 20 46 61 69 6C 20 74 69 6D 65 'Data - Fail time'
DUMP-40: 72 20 65 78 70 69 72 65 64 2C 20 77 68 69 6C 65 'r expired, while'
DUMP-50: 20 73 74 61 74 65 20 69 73 20 49 6E 69 74 00 08 ' state is Init..'
DUMP-60: FF 00 0D 00 12 00 02 45 41 50 53 00 '.......EAPS. '
08/14/2008 19:30:21.69 <UNKNW:pOE.15> NO MESSAGE DECODE; Missing component "POE" v2.1
DUMP-00: 00 34 00 01 FF FF FF FF 00 00 02 13 48 A4 87 CD '.4..........H...'
DUMP-10: 00 0A 9A CC 00 9E 00 0F 01 FF 00 08 70 6F 65 00 '............poe.'
DUMP-20: 02 00 00 08 00 00 00 01 08 FF 00 0C 00 02 00 01 '................'
DUMP-30: 50 4F 45 00 'POE. '
08/05/2008 22:39:41.86 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user admin through telnet (
08/05/2008 22:39:35.03 <Warn:AAA.authFail> Login failed for user admin through telnet (

A total of 187 log messages were displayed.
-> @@@ bootp:
@@@ bootp:
-> show bootprelay
Bootprelay : Disabled on virtual router "VR-Default"

Bootprelay servers for virtual router "VR-Default":

DHCP/BOOTP relay statistics for virtual router "VR-Default"
Received from client = 0 Received from server = 0
Requests relayed = 0 Responses relayed = 0
DHCP Discover = 0 DHCP Offer = 0
DHCP Request = 0 DHCP Ack = 0
DHCP Decline = 0 DHCP NAck = 0
DHCP Release = 0
DHCP Inform = 0
-> @@@ dhcp:
@@@ dhcp:
-> show dhcp-client state
Client VLAN Protocol Server Current State
--------------- -------- --------------- ---------------------------------------
Default None
Mgmt None
VoiceData None

A total of 4 vlan(s) where displayed.
-> @@@ port:
@@@ port:
-> show port txerror no-refresh
Port Tx Error Monitor
Port Link Tx Tx Tx Tx Tx Tx
State Coll Late coll Deferred Errors Lost Parity
1 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 R 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 R 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
18 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
20 R 0 0 0 0 0 0
21 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
22 R 0 0 0 0 0 0
23 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
24 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
25 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
26 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
27 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
28 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
29 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
30 A 5 94 6 94 0 0
31 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
32 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
33 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
34 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
35 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
36 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
37 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
38 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
39 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
40 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
41 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
42 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
43 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
44 R 0 0 0 0 0 0
45 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
46 R 0 0 0 0 0 0
47 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
48 R 0 0 0 0 0 0
49 A 0 0 0 0 0 0
50 R 0 0 0 0 0 0
> indicates Port Display Name truncated past 8 characters
Link State: A-Active, R-Ready, NP-Port Not Present L-Loopback
-> show port rxerror no-refresh
Port Rx Error Monitor
Port Link Rx Rx Rx Rx Rx Rx Rx
State Crc Over Under Frag Jabber Align Lost
1 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 A 3 1 0 0 0 1 0
4 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 A 0 0 0 2 0 0 0
6 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 A 1 2 0 1 0 2 0
9 A 3 1 0 2 0 1 0
10 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 A 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
14 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 A 15 18 0 14 0 18 0
17 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
18 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 A 18 13 0 10 0 13 0
20 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
21 A 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
22 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
23 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
24 A 12 18 0 7 0 18 0
25 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
26 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
27 A 1 2 0 7 0 2 0
28 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
29 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
30 A 5 0 0 0 0 2 0
31 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
32 A 1 0 0 7 0 0 0
33 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
34 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
35 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
36 A 26 12 0 4 0 12 0
37 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
38 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
39 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
40 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
41 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
42 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
43 A 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
44 R 25 0 0 12 0 21 0
45 A 0 3 0 0 0 3 0
46 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
47 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
48 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
49 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Link State: A-Active, R-Ready, NP-Port Not Present L-Loopback
-> @@@ dm:
@@@ dm:
-> debug devmgr show dmlib devmgr
50000000 devmgr 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S----N--L
50000001 msgsrv 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-D-----L
50000002 ems 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-------L
50000003 nodemgr 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-------L
50000004 snmpSubagent 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-D-f---L
50000005 dirser 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-D-----L
50000006 elrp 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-D-----L
50000007 aaa 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-D-----L
50000008 snmpMaster 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-------L
50000009 vlan 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-------L
5000000A cfgmgr 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S---f---L
5000000B cli 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 ----f---L
5000000C fdb 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-------L
5000000D elsm 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-------L
5000000E edp 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-D-----L
5000000F ethoam 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-------L
50000010 lldp 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-D-----L
50000011 lacp 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-------L
50000012 esrp 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-------L
50000013 stp 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-------L
50000014 eaps 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-------L
50000015 rtmgr 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-------L
50000016 polMgr 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-D-----L
50000017 mcmgr 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-------L
50000018 rip 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-D-----L
50000019 acl 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-------L
5000001A ripng 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-D-----L
5000001B netLogin 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-------L
5000001C msdp 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-D-----L
5000001D tftpd 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-D-----L
5000001E telnetd 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-D-----L
5000001F netTools 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-------L
50000020 dosprotect 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-D-----L
50000021 thttpd 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-D-----L
50000022 poe 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-------L
50000023 ipSecurity 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-------L
50000024 hclag 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-------L
50000025 upm 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-------L
50000026 etmon 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-D-----L
50000027 dot1ag 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-------L
50000028 epm 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-D-----L
50000029 hal 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-------L
5000002A xmld 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-D-----L
02010000 Switch 220000 (nil) OPERATIONAL 50 ports
ProcFlags: P ServerStarted, B ClientStarted, f noCfgDep, okC ChkptOKandON,
s DmServer, N not_inSync, R cmNotReady, l Loading, L Loaded
devmgr: (0 Processes NOT Ready)
len=0, ver=0000, trace_flags=0000, trace_level=0 0
proc_flags=A850, pPeerid=0 bPeerid=0, fw_mode=0
TZ=((null)) instead of () and
CurrTime= (UTC) Thu Jan 21 00:33:04 2010
Dev Info:
idx=0, inst=1, id=419430400, class=, name=1, handle=1
state=7, handle=1, name=, sn=N/A, pn=N/A, maj=0, min=0, ver=, tag=

-> debug ems show trace devmgr dm logto file
-> @@@ nm:
@@@ nm:
-> debug devmgr show dmlib nodemgr
50000000 nodemgr 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-------L
50000001 ems 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S-------L
50000002 devmgr 0000 (nil) READY CFG 1 S----N--L
50000003 msgsrv 0000 (nil) READY
also here is a show configuration

please be aware im new to programming switches and this is an inherited fault so please go easy on me with the technical blurb im from an ip office background but trying to learn this

show con
Floor1Voice1.1 # show configuration

# Module devmgr configuration.
configure snmp sysName "Floor1Voice1"
configure sys-recovery-level switch reset

# Module vlan configuration.
configure vlan default delete ports 1-50
create qosprofile "QP5"
create vlan "EAPSCONTROL"
configure vlan EAPSCONTROL tag 100
create vlan "VoiceData"
configure vlan VoiceData tag 10
enable diffserv examination port 1
configure ports 1 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 1 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 2
configure ports 2 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 2 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 3
configure ports 3 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 3 auto-polarity off
Press <SPACE> to continue or <Q> to quit:enable diffserv examination port 4
configure ports 4 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 4 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 5
configure ports 5 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 5 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 6
configure ports 6 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 6 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 7
configure ports 7 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 7 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 8
configure ports 8 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 8 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 9
configure ports 9 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 9 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 10
configure ports 10 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 10 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 11
configure ports 11 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 11 auto-polarity off
Press <SPACE> to continue or <Q> to quit:enable diffserv examination port 12
configure ports 12 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 12 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 13
configure ports 13 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 13 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 14
configure ports 14 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 14 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 15
configure ports 15 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 15 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 16
configure ports 16 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 16 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 17
configure ports 17 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 17 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 18
configure ports 18 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 18 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 19
configure ports 19 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 19 auto-polarity off
Press <SPACE> to continue or <Q> to quit:enable diffserv examination port 20
configure ports 20 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 20 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 21
configure ports 21 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 21 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 22
configure ports 22 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 22 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 23
configure ports 23 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 23 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 24
configure ports 24 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 24 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 25
configure ports 25 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 25 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 26
configure ports 26 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 26 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 27
configure ports 27 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 27 auto-polarity off
Press <SPACE> to continue or <Q> to quit:enable diffserv examination port 28
configure ports 28 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 28 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 29
configure ports 29 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 29 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 30
configure ports 30 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 30 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 31
configure ports 31 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 31 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 32
configure ports 32 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 32 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 33
configure ports 33 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 33 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 34
configure ports 34 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 34 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 35
configure ports 35 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 35 auto-polarity off
Press <SPACE> to continue or <Q> to quit:enable diffserv examination port 36
configure ports 36 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 36 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 37
configure ports 37 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 37 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 38
configure ports 38 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 38 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 39
configure ports 39 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 39 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 40
configure ports 40 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 40 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 41
configure ports 41 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 41 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 42
configure ports 42 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 42 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 43
configure ports 43 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 43 auto-polarity off
Press <SPACE> to continue or <Q> to quit:enable diffserv examination port 44
configure ports 44 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 44 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 45
configure ports 45 auto off speed 100 duplex full
configure ports 45 auto-polarity off
enable diffserv examination port 46
enable diffserv examination port 47
configure ports 47 auto on speed 100 duplex full
enable diffserv examination port 48
configure ports 48 auto on speed 100 duplex full
enable diffserv examination port 49
enable diffserv examination port 50
enable sharing 47 grouping 47-48 algorithm address-based L2
configure vlan EAPSCONTROL add ports 47, 49 tagged
configure vlan VoiceData add ports 47, 49 tagged
configure vlan VoiceData add ports 1-46, 50 untagged
configure vlan Default ipaddress
configure vlan VoiceData ipaddress
configure qosprofile QP5 maxbuffer 100 weight 1
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 1
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 2
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 3
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 4
Press <SPACE> to continue or <Q> to quit:configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 5
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 6
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 7
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 8
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 9
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 10
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 11
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 12
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 13
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 14
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 15
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 16
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 17
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 18
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 19
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 20
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 21
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 22
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 23
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 24
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 25
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 26
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 27
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 28
Press <SPACE> to continue or <Q> to quit:configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 29
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 30
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 31
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 32
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 33
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 34
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 35
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 36
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 37
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 38
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 39
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 40
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 41
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 42
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 43
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 44
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 45
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 46
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 47
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 48
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 49
configure qosprofile QP5 minbw 0 maxbw 100 ports 50
configure diffserv examination code-point 34 qosprofile QP5
configure diffserv examination code-point 46 qosprofile QP5
Press <SPACE> to continue or <Q> to quit:configure diffserv replacement priority 4 code-point 46

# Module fdb configuration.
configure iparp vr VR-Default max_entries 4096

# Module rtmgr configuration.

# Module mcmgr configuration.

# Module aaa configuration.
configure account admin encrypted "31m3w9$5nolCf5rS.RlqpyhSsRKZ1"
configure account user encrypted "vGJnv9$mLJYLkAuFGKGsbsg6dgF1."

# Module acl configuration.
Press <SPACE> to continue or <Q> to quit:

configure access-list zone DOS application Dos application-priority 1
configure access-list zone SYSTEM application NetLogin application-priority 3
configure access-list zone SECURITY application GenericXml application-priority 2

# Module cfgmgr configuration.

# Module dosprotect configuration.
enable dos-protect

# Module dot1ag configuration.

# Module eaps configuration.
enable eaps
Press <SPACE> to continue or <Q> to quit:create eaps VoiceData
configure eaps VoiceData mode master
configure eaps VoiceData primary port 47
configure eaps VoiceData secondary port 49
enable eaps VoiceData
configure eaps VoiceData add control vlan EAPSCONTROL
configure eaps VoiceData add protected vlan VoiceData

# Module edp configuration.

# Module elrp configuration.

# Module ems configuration.

# Module epm configuration.
enable cpu-monitoring interval 20 threshold 60
Press <SPACE> to continue or <Q> to quit:
# Module esrp configuration.

# Module ethoam configuration.

# Module etmon configuration.

# Module hal configuration.

# Module ipSecurity configuration.

# Module lldp configuration.
Press <SPACE> to continue or <Q> to quit:
# Module msdp configuration.

# Module netLogin configuration.

# Module netTools configuration.
configure bootprelay add vr VR-Default

# Module poe configuration.
configure inline-power usage-threshold 90
configure inline-power priority high ports 30

# Module rip configuration.

Press <SPACE> to continue or <Q> to quit:

# Module ripng configuration.

# Module snmpMaster configuration.
configure snmpv3 add user admin authentication md5 hex 18:84:2c:bc:e5:bf:27:d8:95:80:c5:39:1e:c6:1b:8a privacy hex 18:84:2c:bc:e5:bf:27:d8:95:80:c5:39:1e:c6:1b:8a
configure snmpv3 add user initial
configure snmpv3 add user initialmd5 authentication md5 hex 61:37:ff:e0:8e:df:3d:8d:d3:c3:80:b8:8b:3d:75:c9
configure snmpv3 add user initialsha authentication sha hex 18:39:6e:06:f6:f1:cc:f9:34:cb:2a:0c:5e:be:18:ae:cc:04:b6:ee
configure snmpv3 add user initialmd5Priv authentication md5 hex ca:97:b6:9c:5c:dc:23:31:e5:fe:ba:f0:09:e6:45:33 privacy hex ca:97:b6:9c:5c:dc:23:31:e5:fe:ba:f0:09:e6:45:33
configure snmpv3 add user initialshaPriv authentication sha hex 0c:ef:7f:18:16:73:87:6d:96:90:b5:11:e6:21:e4:fe:57:6e:92:a0 privacy hex 0c:ef:7f:18:16:73:87:6d:96:90:b5:11:e6:21:e4:fe:57:6e:92:a0
configure snmpv3 add group v1v2c_ro user v1v2c_ro sec-model snmpv1
configure snmpv3 add group v1v2c_rw user v1v2c_rw sec-model snmpv1
configure snmpv3 add group v1v2c_ro user v1v2c_ro sec-model snmpv2c
configure snmpv3 add group v1v2c_rw user v1v2c_rw sec-model snmpv2c
configure snmpv3 add group admin user admin sec-model usm
configure snmpv3 add group initial user initial sec-model usm
configure snmpv3 add group initial user initialmd5 sec-model usm
configure snmpv3 add group initial user initialsha sec-model usm
Press <SPACE> to continue or <Q> to quit:configure snmpv3 add group initial user initialmd5Priv sec-model usm
configure snmpv3 add group initial user initialshaPriv sec-model usm
configure snmpv3 add access admin sec-model usm sec-level priv read-view defaultAdminView write-view defaultAdminView notify-view defaultNotifyView
configure snmpv3 add access initial sec-model usm sec-level noauth read-view defaultUserView notify-view defaultNotifyView
configure snmpv3 add access initial sec-model usm sec-level authnopriv read-view defaultUserView write-view defaultUserView notify-view defaultNotifyView
configure snmpv3 add access v1v2c_ro sec-model snmpv1 sec-level noauth read-view defaultUserView notify-view defaultNotifyView
configure snmpv3 add access v1v2c_ro sec-model snmpv2c sec-level noauth read-view defaultUserView notify-view defaultNotifyView
configure snmpv3 add access v1v2c_rw sec-model snmpv1 sec-level noauth read-view defaultUserView write-view defaultUserView notify-view defaultNotifyView
configure snmpv3 add access v1v2c_rw sec-model snmpv2c sec-level noauth read-view defaultUserView write-view defaultUserView notify-view defaultNotifyView
configure snmpv3 add access v1v2cNotifyGroup sec-model snmpv1 sec-level noauth notify-view defaultNotifyView
configure snmpv3 add access v1v2cNotifyGroup sec-model snmpv2c sec-level noauth notify-view defaultNotifyView
configure snmpv3 add mib-view defaultUserView subtree 1 type included
configure snmpv3 add mib-view defaultUserView subtree type excluded
configure snmpv3 add mib-view defaultUserView subtree type excluded
configure snmpv3 add mib-view defaultUserView subtree type excluded
configure snmpv3 add mib-view defaultUserView subtree type excluded
configure snmpv3 add mib-view defaultUserView subtree type excluded
configure snmpv3 add mib-view defaultAdminView subtree 1 type included
configure snmpv3 add mib-view defaultNotifyView subtree 1 type included
configure snmpv3 add community private name private user v1v2c_rw

configure snmpv3 add community public name public user v1v2c_ro

configure snmpv3 add notify defaultNotify tag defaultNotify
Press <SPACE> to continue or <Q> to quit:disable snmp access

# Module stp configuration.
configure mstp region 000496351f30
configure stpd s0 delete vlan default ports all
disable stpd s0 auto-bind vlan default
enable stpd s0 auto-bind vlan Default

# Module telnetd configuration.

# Module tftpd configuration.

# Module thttpd configuration.
enable web http
Floor1Voice1.2 #

ACA - IP Office
ACS - IP Office
Run for the hills!

That's the first thought in my head when I see that config. Here's why:

1. No ports are assigned to VLANs.
2. DataVoice is the name of the Voice VLAN and the EAPS domain.
3. No Layer 2 priority...only DSCP (and Diffserv replacement priority 4 will hose that anyway).
4. EAPS only protects the voice vlan
5. Auto-polarity is off (not critical but why is it off for every port?)

Get ahold of Extreme's command reference guide and concepts guide, and don't stop reading them. Alot of this is answered in those docs.

hi tanderson3733

thanks for this, i have sent this config back and forth with extreme support, mentioned about auto polarity but they have not shown any concerns like this and they have had this a long time in a test lab which is slightly alarming

i thought

the voice vlan was called VoiceData not DataVoice & all ports where assigned to it??? is that not the case?? it certain looks that way if you log onto this on the web front end and check the ports they show being in VoiceData

i noticed there was nothing in Default vlan

like i said im very new to this, have worked through a few avaya setup guides for IPO/CM and extereme and IP phones and set that up in house all fairley easy and worked well but all this other stuff with EAPS etc i dont know about.

please can i take what you have said and pass it to extreme support

ACA - IP Office
ACS - IP Office
EAPS isn't anything really to worry about at this point, other than the name being the same as the voice VLAN, which you're right they're both VoiceData, not DataVoice as I mentioned last post. You start to see the confusion, though?

Anyway, if this were something that I inherited, I would blow the config away and start over. I use a command script to dump a basic config into mine, but usually copy it a line or 2 at a time to make sure I don't hose up something.

configure snmp sysname <name>
configure timezone name EST -300 autodst name EDT begins every second sunday march ends every first sunday november
configure time <month> <day> <year> <hour> <minute> <second>
create qosprofile "QP6"
create qosprofile "QP5"
configure vlan Default tag 1
create vlan "Voice"
configure vlan Voice tag 101
configure vlan Voice qosprofile QP5
configure vlan Default delete ports 1-50
configure vlan Default add ports 1-46 untagged
configure vlan Voice add ports 1-46 tagged  
configure vlan Default ipaddress <ip address> <subnet mask>
configure vlan Voice ipaddress <ip address> <subnet mask>
configure iproute add default <gateway ip>
configure qosscheduler strict-priority
configure bootprelay add <DHCP server ip>
enable bootprelay
configure diffserv examination code-point 46 qosprofile QP6
configure diffserv examination code-point 34 qosprofile QP5
enable diffserv examination ports 1-46
configure dot1p type 6 qosprofile qp6
configure dot1p type 5 qosprofile qp5
enable dot1p examination ports 1-46

Bear in mind that this assumes the 46xxsettings.txt file has specified voice traffic priority 6 tagging and control traffic priority 5:

It also assumes all ports 1-46 are used for voice/data, not servers or trunk/EAPS.

thanks for that...

i will have a look at this,


ACA - IP Office
ACS - IP Office
I have a question on your script.

You have created both qosprofiles qp6 and qp5, but you have qp5 assigned to the Voice vlan, qp5 looks to be the profile for the signaling Diffserv point 34.

I don't see where qp6 is being used - its assigned to diffserv point 46 which I agree is correct.

Could you explain a little more

greatly appreciated
What this does is puts only RTP traffic (voice path) in QP6 since it's tagged with DSCP 46. If you set the DSCP SIG value in the IP Office to 34 (and the 46xxsettings.txt command in my last post) it puts signaling traffic from the systems and phones into QP5.
Now, Extreme uses a heirarchy to assign priority queues: 802.1p and DSCP will be matched above VLAN or Port assignments, and since we're matching based on DSCP markings we have that traffic handled. Adding the Voice VLAN entirely to QP5 will only put unmarked traffic crossing the voice VLAN into QP5 - not voice packets (DSCP46).
So by assigning the Voice VLAN and DSCP34 to QP5 and only DSCP46 to QP6, we still prioritize all voice VLAN traffic and give voice path RTP stream a higher priority than signaling/control or management traffic.
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