I've got two tables, each containing similar and different data. I want to determine the data in the one that is not in the other and vica versa.
There seems to be differences in some of the Id numbers.
firstname surname ID
beauty sithole 6104100333081
monna monareng 1401120000000
Field5 Field10 Field11
6104100333081 B SITHOLE
1401120147086 M MONARENG
Field10 being the initials of the person - first letter of firstname
There are approximately 2500 records in each table, the above query returns only 200
and I know for sure that it should be around 2000 that are similar.
This query returns approx 600 but a large amount of them are still incorrect
At the moment I'm stuck - Any help to fine tune this perfect
example of how differing data can make your life hell...
I've got two tables, each containing similar and different data. I want to determine the data in the one that is not in the other and vica versa.
There seems to be differences in some of the Id numbers.
firstname surname ID
beauty sithole 6104100333081
monna monareng 1401120000000
Field5 Field10 Field11
6104100333081 B SITHOLE
1401120147086 M MONARENG
Field10 being the initials of the person - first letter of firstname
FROM `Table1`
LEFT JOIN `Table2` ON LEFT( `Table1`.id, 6 ) = LEFT( Table2.Field5, 6 )
WHERE LOWER( `Table1`.Surname ) = LOWER( `Table2`.Field11 )
AND LOWER( LEFT( `Table1`.`FirstName` , 1 ) ) = LOWER( LEFT( `Table2`.Field10, 1 ) )
There are approximately 2500 records in each table, the above query returns only 200
and I know for sure that it should be around 2000 that are similar.
SELECT `Table1`. *
FROM `Table1`
LEFT JOIN Table2 ON `Table1`.id = Table2.Field5
WHERE Table2.Field5 IS NULL
ORDER BY `Table1`.id
This query returns approx 600 but a large amount of them are still incorrect
At the moment I'm stuck - Any help to fine tune this perfect
example of how differing data can make your life hell...