We've been running a pretty old version on our IP Office 500 where it was possible to extract call data with a function called CDR. It was also possible to choose SMDR.
Now when we have updated to Manager R8, we only have SMDR as an option. I set up so that the data would be sent to a machine which i temporarly set up hypterterminal on, listening on the right port. The data received here is not as good as the one we received with the CDR function and I'm now wondering if there is anything we can do about it.
With the SMDR data I can see the length of the call, calling number, receiving number, hunt group and so on. But there is no way for me to see how long the caller was waiting in the queue.
This is a call made from a cell phone to our main number. We have a menu system and if the user presses 1 he will be redirected to hunt group 700.
2012/06/05 11:52:15,00:00:16,0,070xxxxxxx,I,Attendant,700,,0,1000150,1,T9013,Line 13.1,V9542,VM Channel 42,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2012/06/05 11:52:15,00:01:07,16,070xxxxxxx,I,700,700,,0,1000150,0,E706,Josefin H,T9013,Line 13.1,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
The first line represents the call during the menu (Attendant), and nothing more.
The second line includes both the queue time AND the actual call. This is a very big problem for us, not beeing able to separate the time of the call and the queue length.
We have built a really nice system around the CDR data with which we can monitor the persons answering the phones. Checking their average talk time and also how long time a average call has to wait in the queue. Anything to improve our support to our customers.
3rd party solutions are welcome, or anything that could help.
We have tried "Advanced PBX Data Logger" but it extracts exactly the same information as we can see in the hyperterminal.
Thank you
We've been running a pretty old version on our IP Office 500 where it was possible to extract call data with a function called CDR. It was also possible to choose SMDR.
Now when we have updated to Manager R8, we only have SMDR as an option. I set up so that the data would be sent to a machine which i temporarly set up hypterterminal on, listening on the right port. The data received here is not as good as the one we received with the CDR function and I'm now wondering if there is anything we can do about it.
With the SMDR data I can see the length of the call, calling number, receiving number, hunt group and so on. But there is no way for me to see how long the caller was waiting in the queue.
This is a call made from a cell phone to our main number. We have a menu system and if the user presses 1 he will be redirected to hunt group 700.
2012/06/05 11:52:15,00:00:16,0,070xxxxxxx,I,Attendant,700,,0,1000150,1,T9013,Line 13.1,V9542,VM Channel 42,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2012/06/05 11:52:15,00:01:07,16,070xxxxxxx,I,700,700,,0,1000150,0,E706,Josefin H,T9013,Line 13.1,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
The first line represents the call during the menu (Attendant), and nothing more.
The second line includes both the queue time AND the actual call. This is a very big problem for us, not beeing able to separate the time of the call and the queue length.
We have built a really nice system around the CDR data with which we can monitor the persons answering the phones. Checking their average talk time and also how long time a average call has to wait in the queue. Anything to improve our support to our customers.
3rd party solutions are welcome, or anything that could help.
We have tried "Advanced PBX Data Logger" but it extracts exactly the same information as we can see in the hyperterminal.
Thank you