Hi guys
I have a query which returns a calculated field of type date
i would like to order my records by the month of that field
something like:
only firebird1.0 doesnt like extract there. is there a way i can do this?
Software Developer / Web Master
(025) 213-1065
I have a query which returns a calculated field of type date
i would like to order my records by the month of that field
something like:
select distinct pe.commencedate, sn.skillid, s.name sname, sn.timeperiodid, tp.weeks, p.name pname, p.companyid, (pe.commencedate + (weeks * 7)) as RequiredBy
from personemployment pe
join person p on p.personid = pe.personid
join skillneeded sn on sn.employmentid = pe.employmentid
left join timeperiod tp on tp.timeperiodid = sn.timeperiodid
join skill s on s.skillid = sn.skillid
where p.companyid = 1
and ((pe.commencedate + (weeks * 7)) >= '3/12/03' and (pe.commencedate + (weeks * 7)) <= '3/12/04')
and sn.skillid not in
(select skillid from skillattempt where (personid = p.PersonID and skillid = sn.skillid
and result = 'P' and (validto is null or validto > '3/12/03')))
order by extract(month from 8)
Software Developer / Web Master
(025) 213-1065