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Extract data from file

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May 31, 2007

I have large text files (6mb - 10mb) that contains invoice data. need to open the text file and extract a range of pages and save it to a new file. I plan to read the text file into a array and search the array for the start and end pages that will be set using variables. The script i have so far is as follows:

Dim arrFileLines()
Dim PgStart
Dim PgEnd
PgStart = 1000
i = 0
tmpdata = ""

Set objFile = filesys.OpenTextFile(LS_TEMPFILE, 1)
Do Until objFile.AtEndOfStream
Redim Preserve arrFileLines(i)
arrFileLines(i) = objFile.ReadLine
i = i + 1


For l = Lbound(arrFileLines) to UBound(arrFileLines) Step 1

tmpdata = tmpdata & arrFileLines(l)


My question how do I recreate the array with the required pages set from the PgStart /PgEnd variables ?

Also having googled on the subject I understand that I can run into performance issues on large text files. An alternative method for reading the text files would be using the OpenAsTextStream method which is quite fast. However, if I was to use the OpenAsTextStream method how would I extract the relevant pages needed.


Somthing like this should work:

Option Explicit
' Declare variables
Dim arrFileLines
Dim PgStart
Dim PgEnd
Dim f1
Dim f2
Dim fso
Dim i

' Initialize variables
PgStart = 1000
Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f1 = fso.openTextFile("C:\Test.txt",1)
Set f2 = fso.openTextFile("C:\Test2.txt",2,True)

' Split data into array
arrFileLines = Split(f1.Readall,vbcrlf)

' Since array is zero based
PgStart = PgStart - 1
PgEnd = PgEnd - 1

' Pull only the range needed
For i = PgStart To PgEnd
  f2.WriteLine arrFileLines(i)

' Clean up memory space
Set fso = Nothing
Set f1 = Nothing
Set f2 = Nothing

' Prompt user of completion
Msgbox "Range Extracted!"


Thanks for your help. the extraction works. however, there is a issue in the formatting of the page numbers. for example if i am extracting data from pages 1000 - 1250, there might be currency values in the data $1250.00 that can be picked up as the end page number. so i have had to enclose the page number in brackets - (1000) or 1000). how would i pull the data from the range needed with the start and end page number in this format?

The number used in the array above is the element number (what line# the array is currently at). So, if you know that you end page is at line 1000 then it doesn't matter if the data contains $1000.00 if I am understanding your concern properly. The PgStart and PgEnd variables in this case are just start and end element #'s.


Did you get this working?

Hi Swi,

i have been working on the script, and have written the script as a class, so i can maybe reuse the script in future, i have most of it working. however, i encountered a problem - if i am searching for the last record i get Input past end of file due to the counter being increased by 1. Line 95 :- (EndRecord = StrEnd + 1). any advice ?

Also, do you think i will run into problems with 6-10 mb files ?

Dim LinesInHeader, RecordDelimiter

LinesInHeader = 2 ' Sets the number of lines before the record number to be extracted
RecordDelimiter = "~" ' Sets the record delimiter within the data file Eg: ~1~


Dim objDataExt
Set objDataExt = New ReadInputFile

With objDataExt
End With

Class ReadInputFile

Private mHeaderLines
Private mDelimiter
Private mStartRecord
Private mEndRecord
Private mInputFile
Private mStartline
Private mEndline
Private mInputFilePath

Private Property Let HeaderLines(strInput)
mHeaderLines = strFile
End Property

Private Property Let Delimiter(strInput)
mDelimiter = strFile
End Property

Private Property Let StartRecord(strInput)
mStartRecord = strInput
mStartRecord = RecordDelimiter & mStartRecord & RecordDelimiter
End Property

Private Property Let EndRecord(strInput)
mEndRecord = strInput
mEndRecord = RecordDelimiter & mEndRecord & RecordDelimiter
End Property

Private Property Let Startline(strInput)
mStartline = strInput
End Property

Private Property Let Endline(strInput)
mEndline = strInput
End Property

Private Property Let InputFilePath(strInput)
mInputFilePath = strInput
End Property

' User Inputs for file to extract and record start and End
Public Function SetRecordInfo(strInput)

' Data file select Dialogue box.
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objDialog = Createobject("Useraccounts.Commondialog")
objDialog.Filter = "All files|*.txt"
objDialog.Filterindex = 1
intResult = objDialog.Showopen

IF(intResult = 0) Then



strInput = objDialog.FileName
mInputFile = strInput
s = objFSO.GetFileName(strInput)
mInputFilePath = s

End If

' User Input box
StrStart = InputBox(" Enter Starting Record Number","Start Record to Print")
StartRecord = StrStart

StrEnd = InputBox(" Enter End Record Number","Last Record to Print")
EndRecord = StrEnd + 1

mHeaderLines = (LinesInHeader)
mDelimiter = (RecordDelimiter)

tmp = ""
i = 0

Const ForReading = 1
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile _
(mInputFile, ForReading)

Do While Not objTextFile.AtEndOfStream

strNextLine = objTextFile.ReadLine

If InStr(strNextLine, mStartRecord) Then
strStartline = i - 1

If InStr(strNextLine, mEndRecord) Then
strEndline = i - mHeaderLines
End If
End if

i = i + 1


mStartline = strStartline
mEndline = strEndline


Set objDialog = Nothing

' reopens the text file and reads the data
Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile _
(mInputFile, ForReading)

sEndline = False
tmp = ""
i = 1
Do While Not sEndline = True

'If lineno = 1
If mStartline = 1 Then

If i = mStartline Then

Do Until mStartline = mEndline

tmp = tmp & objTextFile.readline & vbCr

mStartline = mStartline + 1


sEndline = True

End If
End If

''If lineno > 1
If mStartline > 1 Then

Do Until i = mStartline
i = i + 1

If i = mStartline Then

Do Until mStartline = mEndline

tmp = tmp & objTextFile.readline & vbCr

mStartline = mStartline + 1


sEndline = True

End If
End If


Set objFile1 = objFSO.CreateTextFile("C:\new_file.txt", 2)
objFile1.write(tmp & VBFormFeed)

Set objFSO = Nothing
End Function

End Class

my sample data file is as follows



This is a test line item for splitting files.
This is a test line item for splitting files.



This is a test line item for splitting files.
This is a test line item for splitting files.



This is a test line item for splitting files.
This is a test line item for splitting files.
So you are not actually looking for the line#'s that the user enters you are looking for text within the files that the user enters? You will see a pretty major performance hit due to concatenating all of the data into a string variable. Did you take a look at the method I posted above?

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Part and Inventory Search

