Hi i have a time field in DB2 Database that is storing time as a decimal(5,2) where the max value is 6 for the .XX minute part. How can I go about putting this into a number minutes format or number of hours and minutes format?
Someone suggested the folowing but its for Oracle not db2...
Hallo shefea,
select to_char(to_date('01011900 '||to_char(dutysc,'99.00'),'DDMMYYYY HH24.MI'),
'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS') duty from yourtable
Tuesday, March 18, 2003, 10:37:42 AM, you wrote:
ss> I am hoping someone can help me to convert records like these which
ss> represent number of hours into proper time hh:mm
ss> the maximum appears to be 6 for the minutes column.
ss> In the sample below
ss> 11.3 is 11.3 hours and 12.11 is 12.11 hours?
ss> both columns are defined as decimal(5,2)
ss> 11.3 12.11
ss> 11 10.56
ss> 50.5 51.37
ss> 20.45 21.03
Someone suggested the folowing but its for Oracle not db2...
Hallo shefea,
select to_char(to_date('01011900 '||to_char(dutysc,'99.00'),'DDMMYYYY HH24.MI'),
'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS') duty from yourtable
Tuesday, March 18, 2003, 10:37:42 AM, you wrote:
ss> I am hoping someone can help me to convert records like these which
ss> represent number of hours into proper time hh:mm
ss> the maximum appears to be 6 for the minutes column.
ss> In the sample below
ss> 11.3 is 11.3 hours and 12.11 is 12.11 hours?
ss> both columns are defined as decimal(5,2)
ss> 11.3 12.11
ss> 11 10.56
ss> 50.5 51.37
ss> 20.45 21.03