Trying to make another macro with and excel file.
Col A in excel will have days of the month(I'm using june) the days will start on row 3 and end at row 33. Col B in excel will be blank. In extra at 4,25 I will need to put the date from Col A, then move to 6,12 and put an "F" in there, hit enter, then move to 11,19 in Extra. I will need to get the data in 11,19 and put that in Col C in excel, starting at row 3 and ending at row 33. I need it to loop through for all the days. Then I will need to do the same thing instead of putting an "F" at 6,12 in extra I will need to put an "A" and get the data, put that in Col E in excel and loop through all the dates and get the data in 11,19. Here is what I have, but it's way off.
Col A in excel will have days of the month(I'm using june) the days will start on row 3 and end at row 33. Col B in excel will be blank. In extra at 4,25 I will need to put the date from Col A, then move to 6,12 and put an "F" in there, hit enter, then move to 11,19 in Extra. I will need to get the data in 11,19 and put that in Col C in excel, starting at row 3 and ending at row 33. I need it to loop through for all the days. Then I will need to do the same thing instead of putting an "F" at 6,12 in extra I will need to put an "A" and get the data, put that in Col E in excel and loop through all the dates and get the data in 11,19. Here is what I have, but it's way off.
Sub Main
Dim Sessions, System As Object, Sess0 As Object
Set System = CreateObject("EXTRA.System")
Set Sessions = System.Sessions
Set Sess0 = System.ActiveSession
file = "E:\Macros\MthlyReferralsTotal.xls"
Dim obj as object
Dim objWorkbook as object
Set obj = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
obj.visible = True file
'data begins in row 3, column a,c,d,e,f
'where column a is date
'column c,d,e,f are the names
begrw = 3
endrw = 33
col = 3
cola= 2
with obj.worksheets("June '09")
for x = begrw to endrw 'obj.ActiveSheet.Rows.Count 'this will navigate
'column a with the dates
for y = col to 5 'this will navigate
'column c,d,e,f
MyDat = .cells(x,1)
If MyDat = "" Then Exit Sub
'-----send data to Extra-------
Sess0.Screen.PutString MyDat,4,25
Sess0.Screen.Moveto 6,12
Sess0.Screen.Sendkeys "F"
Sess0.Screen.MoveRelative 1, 1
'wait for response
Loop Until Sess0.Screen.WaitForCursor(4, 25)
'-----grab data from Attachmate-----
ExtraDat = Sess0.Screen.GetString (11,19,7) 'area getting data from
Sess0.Screen.PutString MyDat,4,25
Sess0.Screen.Moveto 6,12
Sess0.Screen.Sendkeys "A"
Sess0.Screen.MoveRelative 1, 1
Loop Until Sess0.Screen.WaitForCursor(4, 25)
'-----grab data from Attachmate-----
ExtraDat = Sess0.Screen.GetString (11,19,7) 'area getting data from
'-----and place data in Excel-------
'cola = cola + 1
.cells(x,col) = ExtraDat 'this places the information in the same sheet
'column c,d,e,f,g
next y 'next column
cola=2 'this brings the data back to column c,d,e,f
'for data input
next x 'next row
msgbox "Macro Done"
end with
End Sub