I am baffled. I am writing a macro to write the same forumla in the same cell in every sheet in my workbook except Summary (since the formula references the Summary sheet). Here is the script:
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If (Not (ws.name = "Summary"
) Then
ws.Cells(firstEmptyRow, 1).FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(Summary!A" _
& CStr(firstEmptyRow) _
& " > 0,Summary!A" _
& CStr(firstEmptyRow) _
& "," _
& Chr(34) _
& Chr(34) _
& "
End If
But here is what is getting written:
=IF(Summary!'A177' > 0,Summary!'A177',""
The four extra apostrophes are rendering the formula invalid. Any thoughts on how to be rid of them?
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If (Not (ws.name = "Summary"
ws.Cells(firstEmptyRow, 1).FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(Summary!A" _
& CStr(firstEmptyRow) _
& " > 0,Summary!A" _
& CStr(firstEmptyRow) _
& "," _
& Chr(34) _
& Chr(34) _
& "
End If
But here is what is getting written:
=IF(Summary!'A177' > 0,Summary!'A177',""
The four extra apostrophes are rendering the formula invalid. Any thoughts on how to be rid of them?