I am trying to copy and paste data from and external app, (aol) into Excel, where I can use a macro to sort and parse information using a Macro or Script where can I find inof on how to accomplish this?
Best way to get started is to fire up the macro recorder (Tools-Macros-Record a new macro) and go through the steps manually as much as possible. You may find that Data-TextToColumns is a useful feature in accomplishing this kind of thing. Then go back to your macro and clean up, and implement steps you couldn't do manually. Check back here if you need help with any of that.
Good luck Rob
I tried using the Macro recorder, but it does not say how to get the data from the other app. It only records what happens in excel, I am trying to pull info from AOL email, get it into the spreadsheet then sort a parse the info needed.
Ah, you need to drive the AOL program from within Excel? Good luck - that's way outside of what I'd willingly undertake. Still, I'm sure it's been done. I find Google's "dejanews" newsgroup archives to be rather useful in getting answers to specific, difficult questions. Wouldn't hurt to fire a search off there. I usually get there through
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