I have a BCM 400 4.0. I found all extensions renumbered from 185x to 313X
Interestingly enough, the customer states the 313X extension scheme matches programming for an old location they had where this BCM originally was located.
No-one knows how the extnesion renumbered themselves. No-one claims to have done a re-store of old programming. The voicemail boxes were the same and the set names were unchanged. Trunk programming and target lines were unchanged too.
We adjusted the extensions but I am curious if anyone has an idea of this problem.
Interestingly enough, the customer states the 313X extension scheme matches programming for an old location they had where this BCM originally was located.
No-one knows how the extnesion renumbered themselves. No-one claims to have done a re-store of old programming. The voicemail boxes were the same and the set names were unchanged. Trunk programming and target lines were unchanged too.
We adjusted the extensions but I am curious if anyone has an idea of this problem.