What I'm looking to do, whether through straight ASP or DLL programming being accessed through ASP is to design a web-based administration control panel that would interact with IIS on Windows 2000 Server Machines. Some of the functions I would like to incorporate into this, is a way to add users, edit user permissions, change user passwords, add/edit/delete DSN's, and other tasks that are typically performed using IIS/Windows 2000 directly. I am not sure if there are any ISAPI objects that would allow this to be done without some sort of DLL programming involved. If someone could provide with any information as to how to approach this problem whether it be in the form of references to books or in code examples demostrating how to interact with IIS, I would greatly appreciate it. Also, does anyone know if there is an ISAPI object that allows you to send POST requests to other servers and if so what are its functions?
Dave Capone
Dave Capone