Maybe someone has done this before. I need to extend an ethernet connection to an outlying building using a wireless bridge or antennea. does anyone have a recommendations for equipment. The distance is about 200 feet.
Hello, equipment depends on how many connections on receiving end. If you will have eight or less nodes on receiving end, you could use Cisco Wireless Workgroup Bridge, with a Cisco Access Point. I see the old 240 series on ebay at reasonable prices. If you are going to have more than eight nodes, you will need to use a full bridge on both ends. ebay also has these once in a while.
We have one three and a half mile link to our other office (which has our cable internet access) using full Cisco bridges. Works nice. Of course, we kept the antenna cable short, and ummmmm we have used Yagi antenna on end, and a parabolic dish on the other. Be aware that certain combinations of antenna may exceed FCC power restrictions.
We also have a Cisco 240 AP, and a bunch of Cisco Wireless Workgroup Bridges, serving some owners/employees homes nearby. One connection (my boss) is aprox 2.5 miles away, he uses a flat panel antenna. Oh yea, we have another connection 3 miles, they have a mini parabolic dish on the other end. AP has a whip anntenna, since the wireless workgroup bridges are many different directions.
With only one 200 foot link, you might be able to use D-link, Netgear or some other home style equipment. Don't have any experience in that however.
I worked with a downtown University in Atlanta, GA. that couldn't get fiber connectivity between bldgs. and decided to go with Infrared technology to extend data services between buildings. This was almost 10 years ago and I'm sure that technology is far superior to what they were using. The most attractive thing to the infrared was that it didn't require any FCC licensing. The bottom line is that if you had a direct "Line of Site" you could use the infrared to shoot between locations and set up a 10 meg connection between the to locations. I just did a Google search for Infrared Ethernet and pulled some interesing information. Hope this helps!
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