I have a report which must be sorted by the job number. Sometimes the job name is the same for a series of numbers. It is not possible to sort by job name in some manner because the name may appear in two separate sequences that I do not want together. What I am looking for is to somehow mark the separation between groups of the same job name for readability. I am hoping that I can enter a separate text box at the top of the detail using an expression as the control source in order to do this. If this is possible, I don't know how to reference the previous record. Something along the lines of =IIf([Job Name]<>[Job Name]-1,"*********",""
For clarification:
Records are something like:
Job # Job Name
100 NAME-A
101 NAME-B
102 NAME-B
103 NAME-B
104 NAME-C
105 NAME-C
The report should look like:
Job # Job Name
100 NAME-A
101 NAME-B
102 NAME-B
103 NAME-B
104 NAME-C
105 NAME-C
Any suggestions?
For clarification:
Records are something like:
Job # Job Name
100 NAME-A
101 NAME-B
102 NAME-B
103 NAME-B
104 NAME-C
105 NAME-C
The report should look like:
Job # Job Name
100 NAME-A
101 NAME-B
102 NAME-B
103 NAME-B
104 NAME-C
105 NAME-C
Any suggestions?