I am trying to an onclick event that would give the message below if there are no records. The error message is Runtime 2427 You entered an expression that has no value. Which is true and thats what I'm trying to do with the message box so they know to generate a Submission prior to editing one. Any help would be greatly appreciated. This project is in Access 2k.
If IsNull(Me.sbfSubmissions.Form.SubID) Then
MsgBox ("You must first generate a new submission!!!")
GoTo exit_Command31
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmRein_SubmissionEDIT", acNormal, , "subid=" & Me.sbfSubmissions.Form.SubID, acFormEdit, acWindowNormal
End If
Don't think and the solution will come.
If IsNull(Me.sbfSubmissions.Form.SubID) Then
MsgBox ("You must first generate a new submission!!!")
GoTo exit_Command31
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmRein_SubmissionEDIT", acNormal, , "subid=" & Me.sbfSubmissions.Form.SubID, acFormEdit, acWindowNormal
End If
Don't think and the solution will come.