Hello, we have a report that allows the user to select what type of quantities he wants via a parameter. I did this using an expression, which I drop on the report. However, even though the fields being used in the expression are integers, the expression is seen as text. Therefore I can't subtotal on this field, or format the field. (These fields are in the thousands and I want to see thousand separators.) The expression is:
=iif(Parameters!QtyType.Value = "GNO",Fields!GrossTotalOrdered.Value,
iif(Parameters!QtyType.Value = "GNS",Fields!GrossTotalShipped.Value,
" "))
Am I going about this all wrong, or is there a way to format the results of the expression as numeric with a thousands separator? Thank you for any help.
=iif(Parameters!QtyType.Value = "GNO",Fields!GrossTotalOrdered.Value,
iif(Parameters!QtyType.Value = "GNS",Fields!GrossTotalShipped.Value,
" "))
Am I going about this all wrong, or is there a way to format the results of the expression as numeric with a thousands separator? Thank you for any help.