Hi all,
I have created an expression in an access query which tells me a % discount, calculated from the list price and and net price: Expr1: (
I have created an expression in an access query which tells me a % discount, calculated from the list price and and net price: Expr1: (
- -[Net])/
- *100 . The problem is this lists customers many times so I just want to see the customer once and a total price (net and list) together with the overall % discount, so I have grouped the query and changed the total to sum for both the list and net price fields. When the query is run I receive error message Overflow.
With out the expression the query gives me the required result, I just need to add % discount to the grouped query... Does anyone know what I should do?
- *100 . The problem is this lists customers many times so I just want to see the customer once and a total price (net and list) together with the overall % discount, so I have grouped the query and changed the total to sum for both the list and net price fields. When the query is run I receive error message Overflow.