I find myself in a situation where I can not use bc as I have been in various scripts to perform simple math, + - * /.
I am now porting my scripts over to a cygwin environment and it looks like my option is, well. expr. Unfortunatly I had been using scale=3 in bc for 100.000% type returns, in expr I have yet to find a way to get this done.
Is there a way, and if not in expr, how can you get awk to return an answer for math with out needing to hit CTRL-D.
I find myself in a situation where I can not use bc as I have been in various scripts to perform simple math, + - * /.
I am now porting my scripts over to a cygwin environment and it looks like my option is, well. expr. Unfortunatly I had been using scale=3 in bc for 100.000% type returns, in expr I have yet to find a way to get this done.
Is there a way, and if not in expr, how can you get awk to return an answer for math with out needing to hit CTRL-D.