Exporting Report in PDF format using crystal report 8.5 - Enterprise Edition on Microsoft platform (ASP/SQLSERVER)
Error Description-1
When we try to export the report to PDF using the Application front end we get an error page. The error displayed in the error page of the web browser is "Error Type: Crystal Reports ActiveX Designer (0x80047784) Failed to export the report."
Action Tried out-1
We tried to export the report using both the methods mentioned above to RTF and other formats we found that they were working fine and data was exported successfully to the specified file format. Only in PDF we are facing the export problem. We have even tried reinstalling Acrobat Writer 5.0 and Crystal reports software but with no success.
Error Description-2
A parameterized report was run using our ASP application and successfully displayed in one of the Crystal web viewers using the ASP Report Server. However, while attempting to manually export the report to PDF, by clicking on the EXPORT button on the toolbar of the web browser, the following error message was displayed:"CRAXDRT Error occurred on Server -2147190908: Failed to export the report."
Action Tried out-2
"We referred to your Crystal Support site and came across some documentation related to our problem and tried unregistering and registring exportmodeller.dll and crfx_pdf.dll too but with no success.
Error Description-3
While trying to generate PDF report through ASP in 82, run time error is encountered :"Fail to export the report" pointing to step session("orpt".export = false
Action Tried out-3
Re-installation of Crystal report 8.5(professional, enterprise). Change the sql server connection to current server(82) while re-installing CR
Error Description-4
"While try to view client reports in 193, runtime error is encountered :""2147192184 Server has not yet
been opened"""
Action Tried out-4
First Change SYSTEMDSN(pms) pointing to current server (193 ), change connection.asp file (connect string, four parameters used by the reports to display reports in connection.asp) Note: If CR is installed for the first time, then care should be taken while defining data source. it should be pointing to current database and not windowsNT.
Error Description-5
"CRAXDRT Error occurred on Server -2147190908: Failed to export the report."
Action Tried out-5
Visited Some Site Which Speaks about same problem but no solution was found . One of the solution is to copy all Support Files From C://Crystal Decision
Error Description-1
When we try to export the report to PDF using the Application front end we get an error page. The error displayed in the error page of the web browser is "Error Type: Crystal Reports ActiveX Designer (0x80047784) Failed to export the report."
Action Tried out-1
We tried to export the report using both the methods mentioned above to RTF and other formats we found that they were working fine and data was exported successfully to the specified file format. Only in PDF we are facing the export problem. We have even tried reinstalling Acrobat Writer 5.0 and Crystal reports software but with no success.
Error Description-2
A parameterized report was run using our ASP application and successfully displayed in one of the Crystal web viewers using the ASP Report Server. However, while attempting to manually export the report to PDF, by clicking on the EXPORT button on the toolbar of the web browser, the following error message was displayed:"CRAXDRT Error occurred on Server -2147190908: Failed to export the report."
Action Tried out-2
"We referred to your Crystal Support site and came across some documentation related to our problem and tried unregistering and registring exportmodeller.dll and crfx_pdf.dll too but with no success.
Error Description-3
While trying to generate PDF report through ASP in 82, run time error is encountered :"Fail to export the report" pointing to step session("orpt".export = false
Action Tried out-3
Re-installation of Crystal report 8.5(professional, enterprise). Change the sql server connection to current server(82) while re-installing CR
Error Description-4
"While try to view client reports in 193, runtime error is encountered :""2147192184 Server has not yet
been opened"""
Action Tried out-4
First Change SYSTEMDSN(pms) pointing to current server (193 ), change connection.asp file (connect string, four parameters used by the reports to display reports in connection.asp) Note: If CR is installed for the first time, then care should be taken while defining data source. it should be pointing to current database and not windowsNT.
Error Description-5
"CRAXDRT Error occurred on Server -2147190908: Failed to export the report."
Action Tried out-5
Visited Some Site Which Speaks about same problem but no solution was found . One of the solution is to copy all Support Files From C://Crystal Decision