I have Microsoft SQl Server 2000 and am using SQL Query Analyser version 8. When I run a query I would like to be able to export the results to an excel spreadsheet, however when I choose Execute Mode > Results To File the only file type option I have is an rpt file. I have crystal reports but it can't open the file. I have tried using 'All files' and manually typing in filename.xls which does create an excel file, but everything is contracted into row A.
Can anyone tell me if there is an option to export the query directly from SQL into Excel, either using an option in the program or as part of the SQL Query command?
Amy advice is appreciated
"The only stupid question is the one that doesn't get asked
Can anyone tell me if there is an option to export the query directly from SQL into Excel, either using an option in the program or as part of the SQL Query command?
Amy advice is appreciated
"The only stupid question is the one that doesn't get asked