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Exporting Crystal Reports, ziping and then emailing

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Sep 5, 2006
Hey everyone,

I need to create a program that takes an 2 existing crystal reports, run them, export each one to a folder on the network, zip them up (password protected), and email them to a few people.

This needs to happen daily.

Any help would be great, this is one of my first .net projects as we are moving from vb6 environment to .net.

I have lots of asp/vb6 experience but .net is fairly new to me.

Thanks for any help you can give.
Do the reports need any user intervention? For example, are parameters required?

Also, what format is the export to be?

If at first you don't succeed, then sky diving wasn't meant for you!
These reports take no paramaters and no user intervention.

I am guessing the program will just need to pass the database username/password to the report.

Then run each report and export to excel.
Since you haven't received any other responses, I thought I would try to help.

Although I haven't yet converted this to vb.net, here is some abbriviated code from a VB6 program. It will not have the same syntax that you require, although it may provide the direction that you need.

Public Sub Print_List(pReport As String, pStatus As Integer, pExportIt As Boolean)
'// Prints a report listing the Tenants used by the program.
'// Parameters: pReport - the name of the report to be used.
'//             pExportIt - determines whether the report is to be exported to a file.
   Dim l_bolError As Boolean
   Dim rsActive As ADODB.Recordset
   Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
   Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
   Dim frmTL As Form
   Dim prn As Printer         '// For selecting a Printer.
   On Error GoTo ERR_Handler
   '// The following creates the Application object (which is the Crystal
   '// Automation Server) and assigns it to CrystalApplication.
   '// Creating this object must be done for each application 
   '// that uses the Crystal Automation Server.
   '// If this is to be related to using the ActiveX or OCX control, this following
   '// method would be thought of as simply placing the control onto the VB form.
   Set CR_Application = New CRAXDDRT.Application
   '// The following sets the database location for all tables that are used in the report
   Set CR_Report = CR_Application.OpenReport(pReport, 1)
   Set CR_Db = CR_Report.Database
   Set CR_DbTables = CR_Db.Tables
   Set CR_DbTable = CR_DbTables.Item(1)
   '// Create the active data recordset to be passed to the report.
   Set rsActive = New ADODB.Recordset
   With rsActive
      .Fields.Append "Company Name", adVarChar, 120
      .Fields.Append "Company Address1", adVarChar, 120
      .Fields.Append "Company City", adVarChar, 120
      .Fields.Append "Company State", adVarChar, 120
      .Fields.Append "Company Postal", adVarChar, 120
      .Open   '// Open the recordset
   End With
   '// Get the basic report information.
   Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
   Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
   With cmd
      .ActiveConnection = rptCONN
      .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
      .CommandText = "rptList"
      .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("Status", adInteger, adParamInput)
      .Parameters("Status").Value = pStatus
   End With
   rs.Open cmd, , adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly
   If Not (rs.BOF And rs.EOF) Then
      Do Until rs.EOF
         With rsActive
            .Fields("Company Name").Value = rptSESS.Company.Name
            .Fields("Company Address1").Value = rptSESS.Company.Address1
            .Fields("Company City").Value = rptSESS.Company.City
            .Fields("Company State").Value = rptSESS.Company.State
            .Fields("Company Postal").Value = rptSESS.Company.PostCode
         End With
      MsgBox "Report Error"
      l_bolError = True
   End If
   If Not l_bolError Then
      '// With the recordset object populated with data, 
	  'we will direct the MAIN report to
      '// use this data as it's datasource.
      CR_DbTable.SetDataSource rsActive, 3
      Export_Report "Tenant List"

   End If
   '// Clean up the data and the active recordset.
   Set rs = Nothing
   Set rsActive = Nothing
   Exit Sub
   Select Case Err.Number
      Case 94, 9     '// Invalid use of null, Subscript out of range.
         Resume Next
      Case Else
         PrintError Err.Number, Err.Description, "modPrint.Print_List"
   End Select
End Sub

Private Function Export_Report(pName As String) As Boolean
'// Email the report to the selected format.
'// Parameters: pName - part of the file name to be created by the export.
'// Returns: Boolean - whether the export was successful.
   On Error GoTo ERR_Handler
   g_bolExportSuccess = False
   CR_Report.DisplayProgressDialog = True

   '// Excel.
   CR_Report.ExportOptions.FormatType = crEFTExcel97
   CR_Report.ExportOptions.DestinationType = crEDTDiskFile
   CR_Report.ExportOptions.DiskFileName = "C:\somefolder\somefilename" & ".xls"
   CR_Report.Export False

   g_strAttach = CR_Report.ExportOptions.DiskFileName
   g_bolExportSuccess = True
   Exit Function
   ErrorMessenger Err.Number, Err.Description, "modPrint.Export_Report"
End Function

At this point you would need to create a procedure that calls a zip utility, such as winzip. There are several examples in this forum on calling exe programs.

As for sending an email, please view my thread regarding this:
I hope some of this information helps to steer you in the right direction.

If at first you don't succeed, then sky diving wasn't meant for you!
It might be faster and easier to buy one of the 3rd party crystal report schedulers. Ken Hamady has a list on including my cViewSERVER scheduler.

While my scheduler can send files as emails, I don't zip them up or encrypt them. I think Ido Millet's scheduler might have this feature.

Editor and Publisher of Crystal Clear
We have Crystal Enterprise which also will email them. However, I have to email it to someone internally daily, then they have to manually zip, and password protect and email it on to a client.

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