I'm developing vb5 programming to run crystal report and export it to html format.i've tried the below command but it does't work.
It export into text file and not in the actual format.
Set crystalExportOptions = crystalReport.ExportOptions
crystalExportOptions.CharFieldDelimiter = ","
crystalExportOptions.CharStringDelimiter = "'"
crystalExportOptions.DiskFileName = "Test.tst"
crystalExportOptions.UseReportDateFormat = True
crystalExportOptions.HTMLFileName = "TestHTML.htm"
crystalExportOptions.FormatType = 3
' 0=no format, 1=crystal report, 2=data interchange,
' 3=html, 4=richtext, ... 14=word for windows, and lots of others
' look for CRExportFormatType in the Object Browser
crystalExportOptions.UseReportNumberFormat = True
crystalExportOptions.DestinationType = 1
' 0=no destination,1=diskfile,2=mapi,3=mailVIM,4=MicrosoftExchange
' found under CRExportDestinationType in the Object Browser
Call crystalReport.Export(False)
when using promt,it works.DO HELP ME.
It export into text file and not in the actual format.
Set crystalExportOptions = crystalReport.ExportOptions
crystalExportOptions.CharFieldDelimiter = ","
crystalExportOptions.CharStringDelimiter = "'"
crystalExportOptions.DiskFileName = "Test.tst"
crystalExportOptions.UseReportDateFormat = True
crystalExportOptions.HTMLFileName = "TestHTML.htm"
crystalExportOptions.FormatType = 3
' 0=no format, 1=crystal report, 2=data interchange,
' 3=html, 4=richtext, ... 14=word for windows, and lots of others
' look for CRExportFormatType in the Object Browser
crystalExportOptions.UseReportNumberFormat = True
crystalExportOptions.DestinationType = 1
' 0=no destination,1=diskfile,2=mapi,3=mailVIM,4=MicrosoftExchange
' found under CRExportDestinationType in the Object Browser
Call crystalReport.Export(False)
when using promt,it works.DO HELP ME.