Technical User
I am export data from my database to and xml file when I run this as a query in SQL Studio it shows the formatting correct see the example below
SQL Select
,'' AS 'BatchData/ProcessRevision'
,[JobNum] AS [BatchData/Name]
,[PartDescription] AS [BatchData/Description]
,'' AS 'BatchData/Order',
replace(convert(NVARCHAR, [StartDate], 120), '-', '/') as 'BatchData/ActivationDate',
replace(convert(NVARCHAR, [DueDate], 120), '-', '/') as 'BatchData/ShipDate'
,'CONNORPANTEMP' AS 'BatchData/PanelBarcodeTemplate'
,'CONNORIMGTEMP' AS 'BatchData/ImageBarcodeTemplate'
,'ERROR' AS 'BatchData/QuantityEnforcement'
,[JobNum] AS [BatchData/Lot]
,'' AS 'BatchData/Approval'
,'' AS 'BatchData/StartingSerial'
,'' AS 'BatchData/EndingSerial'
,cast([prodqty] as integer)AS [BatchData/Quantity]
FROM [EpicorTest905].[dbo].[JobHead]
WHERE JobReleased = '1' AND JobFirm = '1' AND JobComplete = '0'
FOR XML PATH ('Batches');
<Description>PCB Assembly, ASC Front Output Board (STAMP 4out Build Type 1</Description>
<ActivationDate>2014/11/10 00:00:00</ActivationDate>
<ShipDate>2014/11/14 00:00:00</ShipDate>
But yet when I schedule this query as a job it adds a line break every 512 characters and doesn't format the data like above all on one line can anyone help ?
I am export data from my database to and xml file when I run this as a query in SQL Studio it shows the formatting correct see the example below
SQL Select
SELECT [PartNum] AS [BatchData/ProcessName],'' AS 'BatchData/ProcessRevision'
,[JobNum] AS [BatchData/Name]
,[PartDescription] AS [BatchData/Description]
,'' AS 'BatchData/Order',
replace(convert(NVARCHAR, [StartDate], 120), '-', '/') as 'BatchData/ActivationDate',
replace(convert(NVARCHAR, [DueDate], 120), '-', '/') as 'BatchData/ShipDate'
,'CONNORPANTEMP' AS 'BatchData/PanelBarcodeTemplate'
,'CONNORIMGTEMP' AS 'BatchData/ImageBarcodeTemplate'
,'ERROR' AS 'BatchData/QuantityEnforcement'
,[JobNum] AS [BatchData/Lot]
,'' AS 'BatchData/Approval'
,'' AS 'BatchData/StartingSerial'
,'' AS 'BatchData/EndingSerial'
,cast([prodqty] as integer)AS [BatchData/Quantity]
FROM [EpicorTest905].[dbo].[JobHead]
WHERE JobReleased = '1' AND JobFirm = '1' AND JobComplete = '0'
FOR XML PATH ('Batches');
<Description>PCB Assembly, ASC Front Output Board (STAMP 4out Build Type 1</Description>
<ActivationDate>2014/11/10 00:00:00</ActivationDate>
<ShipDate>2014/11/14 00:00:00</ShipDate>
But yet when I schedule this query as a job it adds a line break every 512 characters and doesn't format the data like above all on one line can anyone help ?