Oct 12, 2007 #1 cyklop0 MIS May 8, 2001 49 US Does anyone know how to export a list of user from a local user group to an excel or to a text file? Thanks
Does anyone know how to export a list of user from a local user group to an excel or to a text file? Thanks
Oct 13, 2007 #2 58sniper MIS Apr 25, 2004 9,152 US [google]export group membership[/google] Pat Richard, MCSE MCSA:Messaging CNA Microsoft Exchange MVP Upvote 0 Downvote
Oct 13, 2007 #3 Cstorms IS-IT--Management Sep 29, 2006 556 US Read the third link down about CSVs Cory Upvote 0 Downvote