What is updated export types formats for Excel, Word, and text, from Office 97 to current? Here is portion of old code.
With lstResult
.ColumnCount = 4
.ColumnWidths = "0,0,0"
.RowSourceType = "Value List"
.RowSource = "-1,-1,-1,Export Type," _
& "0,0,.xls,Excel 3," _
& "0,6,.xls,Excel 4," _
& "0,5,.xls,Excel 5," _
& "0,5,.xls,Excel 7," _
& "0,8,.xls,Excel 97," _
& "0,2,.wk1,Lotus WK1," _
& "0,3,.wk3,Lotus WK3," _
& "0,7,.wk4,Lotus WK4," _
& "0,4,.wj2,Lotus WJ2 (Japanese)," _
& "1,2,.txt,Delimited Text," _
& "1,8,.html,HTML"
'& "1,3,.txt,Fixed Length Text,"
.Selected(1) = True
End With
With lstResult
.ColumnCount = 4
.ColumnWidths = "0,0,0"
.RowSourceType = "Value List"
.RowSource = "-1,-1,-1,Export Type," _
& "0,0,.xls,Excel 3," _
& "0,6,.xls,Excel 4," _
& "0,5,.xls,Excel 5," _
& "0,5,.xls,Excel 7," _
& "0,8,.xls,Excel 97," _
& "0,2,.wk1,Lotus WK1," _
& "0,3,.wk3,Lotus WK3," _
& "0,7,.wk4,Lotus WK4," _
& "0,4,.wj2,Lotus WJ2 (Japanese)," _
& "1,2,.txt,Delimited Text," _
& "1,8,.html,HTML"
'& "1,3,.txt,Fixed Length Text,"
.Selected(1) = True
End With