I am displaying my crystal reports using ASP pages. I use RDC - craxdrt.dll. I export the reports to PDF format and and re-direct the user to the .pdf file.
My report has report has a Times new Roman font very small( of 2) and a formula with property TIGHT Horizontal border and the details section has a layout of 1 in with , across than down.[ If i run and export the report to pdf format all is OK]
If the client and the server are on the same machine the reports is OK, but if the client is other machine than the server is the report the report is not propetly formated. that mean the width of my formula is not big enought for write the entire text(writen in formula at runtime). I cant grow up the width of formula in design because i have and i need a layout of 1 inc.
I repet this problem appers only if i am on the computer that is not the server...
Could tell me someone what is happening?
I am displaying my crystal reports using ASP pages. I use RDC - craxdrt.dll. I export the reports to PDF format and and re-direct the user to the .pdf file.
My report has report has a Times new Roman font very small( of 2) and a formula with property TIGHT Horizontal border and the details section has a layout of 1 in with , across than down.[ If i run and export the report to pdf format all is OK]
If the client and the server are on the same machine the reports is OK, but if the client is other machine than the server is the report the report is not propetly formated. that mean the width of my formula is not big enought for write the entire text(writen in formula at runtime). I cant grow up the width of formula in design because i have and i need a layout of 1 inc.
I repet this problem appers only if i am on the computer that is not the server...
Could tell me someone what is happening?