What I have....
A Data Flow task that Exports data from the database to a flat file.
An FTP task immediately following that Data Flow Task that then FTPs that File to an FTP Server.
I can get the process to work if I do an Execute Task on each one individually but if I just try to run the package it will error on the FTP task.
My belief is that the task that creates the file still has a lock on the file (via the File Manager Connection) and when the FTP Task goes to send that file it is not being allowed to do so because of that lock.
That is just my guess....I could be way off but that seems like a logical assumption.
If that is the case then I think what I need is the How-To on closing an active connection within the Package.
Option B is creating 2 separate packages and then having one Master Package that executes one and then the other and hoping that works better but I really really dont want to have to do that.
A Data Flow task that Exports data from the database to a flat file.
An FTP task immediately following that Data Flow Task that then FTPs that File to an FTP Server.
I can get the process to work if I do an Execute Task on each one individually but if I just try to run the package it will error on the FTP task.
My belief is that the task that creates the file still has a lock on the file (via the File Manager Connection) and when the FTP Task goes to send that file it is not being allowed to do so because of that lock.
That is just my guess....I could be way off but that seems like a logical assumption.
If that is the case then I think what I need is the How-To on closing an active connection within the Package.
Option B is creating 2 separate packages and then having one Master Package that executes one and then the other and hoping that works better but I really really dont want to have to do that.