I have an export that I'm trying to perform from an access query. I got it working until the part where it was resaving the excel file. Since then I've been trying to reference examples that I have looked at (in addition to one I've done). I noticed there are a couple different ways to do this and the syntax is way different. I don't understand enough about the process to know which is appropriate for me to be using. I've fiddled with it and now I can't even get it to do anything when I click the cmdCreateform button. I'm either mixing and matching syntax when I shouldn't be or have deleted something critical I shouldn't have and have been over this so much I just don't see it. Anything obvious you can see? Here's what I have...
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Sub cmdCreateform_Click()
Dim WB As Workbook
Dim xlApp As New Excel.Application
Dim DB As Database
Dim WS As Excel.Worksheet
Dim RSPtarep As Recordset
Dim RSStudents As Recordset
Dim strFileName As String
Dim strFolder As String
Dim strTeacher As String
Dim strGrade As String
Dim introw As Long
Dim Intcol As Long
strFolder = Trim(txtfolder)
If Right(strFolder, 1) <> "\" Then
strFolder = strFolder & "\"
End If
Set DB = CurrentDb
Set RSPtarep = DB.OpenRecordset("PTA Reps", dbOpenSnapshot)
Set RSStudents = DB.OpenRecordset("Excel Sort",dbOpenSnapshot)
Do Until RSStudents.EOF
Intcol = 0
introw = 0
strGrade = RSStudents("Grade")
strFileName = strFolder & strGrade & ".xlsx"
txtCurrProfile = "Creating " & strGrade & ".xlsx..."
With xlApp
.Visible = False
Set WB = .Workbooks.CreateObject(strFileName)
'.Workbooks(1).SaveAs (strFileName)
End With
Do While strGrade = RSStudents("Grade")
strTeacher = RSStudents("Teacher")
introw = introw + 1
Intcol = Intcol + 1
xlApp.Worksheets(1).Cells(introw, Intcol) = RSStudents("Teacher")
introw = introw + 2
xlApp.Worksheets(1).Cells(introw, Intcol) = RSStudents("Extension")
introw = introw + 3
Do While strTeacher = RSStudents("Teacher")
xlApp.Worksheets(1).Cells(introw, Intcol) = RSStudents("First") & " " & RSStudents("Last")
introw = introw + 1
If RSStudents.EOF Then Exit Do
introw = 0
If RSStudents.EOF Then Exit Do
With xlApp
.Workbooks(1).SaveAs (strFileName)
End With
Set xlApp = Nothing
Set RSStudents = Nothing
Set DB = Nothing
txtCurrProfile = "Done!"
End Sub
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Sub cmdCreateform_Click()
Dim WB As Workbook
Dim xlApp As New Excel.Application
Dim DB As Database
Dim WS As Excel.Worksheet
Dim RSPtarep As Recordset
Dim RSStudents As Recordset
Dim strFileName As String
Dim strFolder As String
Dim strTeacher As String
Dim strGrade As String
Dim introw As Long
Dim Intcol As Long
strFolder = Trim(txtfolder)
If Right(strFolder, 1) <> "\" Then
strFolder = strFolder & "\"
End If
Set DB = CurrentDb
Set RSPtarep = DB.OpenRecordset("PTA Reps", dbOpenSnapshot)
Set RSStudents = DB.OpenRecordset("Excel Sort",dbOpenSnapshot)
Do Until RSStudents.EOF
Intcol = 0
introw = 0
strGrade = RSStudents("Grade")
strFileName = strFolder & strGrade & ".xlsx"
txtCurrProfile = "Creating " & strGrade & ".xlsx..."
With xlApp
.Visible = False
Set WB = .Workbooks.CreateObject(strFileName)
'.Workbooks(1).SaveAs (strFileName)
End With
Do While strGrade = RSStudents("Grade")
strTeacher = RSStudents("Teacher")
introw = introw + 1
Intcol = Intcol + 1
xlApp.Worksheets(1).Cells(introw, Intcol) = RSStudents("Teacher")
introw = introw + 2
xlApp.Worksheets(1).Cells(introw, Intcol) = RSStudents("Extension")
introw = introw + 3
Do While strTeacher = RSStudents("Teacher")
xlApp.Worksheets(1).Cells(introw, Intcol) = RSStudents("First") & " " & RSStudents("Last")
introw = introw + 1
If RSStudents.EOF Then Exit Do
introw = 0
If RSStudents.EOF Then Exit Do
With xlApp
.Workbooks(1).SaveAs (strFileName)
End With
Set xlApp = Nothing
Set RSStudents = Nothing
Set DB = Nothing
txtCurrProfile = "Done!"
End Sub