I'm using visual basic and the crviewer. I want to know if theres a way to preview a report in the crviewer and after export the report in a file (pdf or rpt..) But i dont want to use the crystalReport.export because i will read the source again!!! (my report is very big it's take about 1.1/2 min to show)
this is my code
' in a screen i have but the crviewer object and on button
Tanks, merci!!!
I'm using visual basic and the crviewer. I want to know if theres a way to preview a report in the crviewer and after export the report in a file (pdf or rpt..) But i dont want to use the crystalReport.export because i will read the source again!!! (my report is very big it's take about 1.1/2 min to show)
this is my code
' in a screen i have but the crviewer object and on button
private report as craxdrt.report
private app as craxdrt.application
private sub form_load()
set report = crxapplication.openreport("C:\test1.rpt")
crviewer1.reportsource = report
end sub
private sub CommandExport_click()
'it's working but it's very long
'because i read the source again
dim crExpOption a craxdrt.exportoptions
set crExpOption = report.exportoptions
crExpOption.formattype = creftrichtext
crExpOption.destinationtype = credtdiskfile
crExpOption.diskfilename = "C:\testout1.rtf"
'and export the report without prompting user
report.export false
end sub
Tanks, merci!!!