I have a Cyrstal 8 report which I export to a paginated text file from vb6 using the following code:
The problem I have is that the resulting file is in a 12 character per inch format when exported by some computers, and 10cpi on others. Is there anyway to force it to always export as 12cpi?
Set InvRpt = Appl.OpenReport(App.Path & "\Invoice.rpt", 1)
InvRpt.ExportOptions.DiskFileName = strFilePathOnly & _
adoRsAccess.Fields("OrderID") & ".prn"
InvRpt.ExportOptions.DestinationType = crEDTDiskFile
InvRpt.ExportOptions.FormatType = crEFTPaginatedText
InvRpt.ExportOptions.NumberOfLinesPerPage = 60
InvRpt.Export False