Hey all,
I have a string in Word that I have Parsed using the Split() function and now want to export each element of the array into Excel so that all of the elements are in the same collumn but the rows get incremented with a single element in each row.
For example,
I then want to export MyArray to Excel so that MyArray(0) would be in Cell A1, MyArray(1) would be in A2, MyArray(2) would be in A3,...etc.
What would the code be to achieve this?
Thanks for the help!
I have a string in Word that I have Parsed using the Split() function and now want to export each element of the array into Excel so that all of the elements are in the same collumn but the rows get incremented with a single element in each row.
For example,
Dim str as String
str = "1 2 3 4 5"
Dim MyArray() as String
MyArray = Split(str)
What would the code be to achieve this?
Thanks for the help!