I'm exporting a query to a file using
This works fine expect when I look at the file
The INV_DATE has 00:00 after the date !!! I just want the date, there is nothing in the Export Wizard that I can see that will get rid of it.
I'm exporting a query to a file using
DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, "Export_AP INV DISTR", "AP INV DISTR", GlobalOUTPUTLoc & "\" & "AP INV DISTR.csv", True
This works fine expect when I look at the file
Supplier Description Inv Date Inv Number Net
100171 travel 08/12/2005 00:00 NOV.05 EXP179 120.04
100264 btb 08/12/2005 00:00 TT178 42.55
100264 Expenses nov3 08/12/2005 00:00 BBCNANOV3156 68.09
100264 Export Test 2 08/12/2005 00:00 BTBCNATEST2173 145.8
100264 November expenses 3 08/12/2005 00:00 BBCNANOV3171 72.34
The INV_DATE has 00:00 after the date !!! I just want the date, there is nothing in the Export Wizard that I can see that will get rid of it.