Hi. I need to make an xml file of all the courses the teachers teach. I am currently doing this from an Access database (If it works easier in sql let me know and I can move the data there). It needs to be in an exact format to be used by some palm software. My problem is I can not seem to export the info and the related tables as such (ie: a subject table lists all the subjects), it just prints out as a field.
For example I want my data to look like this as a finihed product:
<Teacher FirstName="Harry" LastName="Wells">
<Grade Name="10"/>
<Subject Name="Biology, HON"/>
<Subject Name="Biology, STD"/>
But it looks like this:
Any ideas how to massage the export? Thanks,
For example I want my data to look like this as a finihed product:
<Teacher FirstName="Harry" LastName="Wells">
<Grade Name="10"/>
<Subject Name="Biology, HON"/>
<Subject Name="Biology, STD"/>
But it looks like this:
Any ideas how to massage the export? Thanks,