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Export from a form to excel

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Oct 23, 2002
What's the best way to export data to excel from a form...

Here's my situation:

Main form user presses a button. This button should export the results of a query to excel. However, the query uses parameters built in the main form (from listbox, textboxes, etc.)
This is the way that I have done it:

Public Sub exceltransfer()

Dim rs as new ADODB.Recordset
Dim Xcel as Object
Set Xcel = New Excel.Application
Dim Counter as Integer 'Counter for loop
Dim rows as Integer 'Counter for rows

rs.Open "InsertQueryName", CurrentProject.connection, _ adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly

Counter = rs.RecordCount
rows = 1
Xcel.Workbooks.Open Application.CurrentProject.Path & "InsertNameofWorkbook"

'Loop through Recordset an insert into Excel
For X = 1 to Counter
Xcel.Application.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(rows, 1).Value = rs!Field1
Xcel.Application.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(rows, 2).Value = rs!Field2
Xcel.Application.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(rows, 3).Value = rs!Field3
Xcel.Application.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(rows, 4).Value = rs!Field4

'etc Just change Field1 and so on to your field names of _ your queries

rows = rows + 1

Next X

Set RS = nothing

End Sub

Remember to update your References to include Excel and ADO and change the above Field references and connection string to your situation

Hope it works!


Put the code in a module and have the OnUpdate() event of your button:

Private Sub Button1_Click()


End Sub

Guess I shouuld proof read my post before submitting ;)
Thanks for the advice.

I ended up doing something different. I build a form that returned results from a query. This way when I opened the form I could pass in a where clause that I built from the main form. On the subform open event I inserted:

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputForm, , acFormatXLS
DoCmd.Close acForm, "MyFormName", acSaveNo

This worked like a charm. The user never sees the form open and it's easy to reformat if I need to.
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