Can someone explain what String.Format does. Basically i am amending someone's code and they have used String.Format to append parameters to the url. I need to basically add another parameter to that url.
here is the code, hope someone helps me with this one:
emailLink.NavigationUrl = ResolveUrl(string.Format("~/QuoteMonitor/QuoteMonitor.aspx?{0}={1}", QueryStringItemNames.QuoteMonitorStatusName, string.Format("byEmail${0}", quote.EmailAddress)));
byEmail is the querystring name and q'quote.EmailAddress' is the value. So currently it passes email and the email address. I need to add another name/value pair to this url with this parameter already there.
here is the code, hope someone helps me with this one:
emailLink.NavigationUrl = ResolveUrl(string.Format("~/QuoteMonitor/QuoteMonitor.aspx?{0}={1}", QueryStringItemNames.QuoteMonitorStatusName, string.Format("byEmail${0}", quote.EmailAddress)));
byEmail is the querystring name and q'quote.EmailAddress' is the value. So currently it passes email and the email address. I need to add another name/value pair to this url with this parameter already there.