Using the isnull in the record selection formula (Report->Edit Selection Formula->Record) should work:
If not, the date probably has another format, so check the values and eliminate them using the same method only with the explicit value for those that are "empty".
Thank you for your help,
I was able to get it to work as follows.
Since Crystal returns a value of 12/30/1899 for a blank date I had to Create a formula field. Name it blank.
IF {EXPDATE} = Date(1899,12,30) then Date(0,0,0) else {EXDATE}.
Then in the select Expert enter, BLANK is equal to 0/0/0
This returned only Employees with a Blank Expiration date for the benefits
Crystal doesn't return that value as a default, you probably have the File->Report Options->Convert Null to Default turned on, or your database is defaulting to that value.
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