First of all, please forgive me if this makes no sense! =)
I have an input parameter that returns a string as such:
1/Santa Ana,3,6,15,29,36,11,13,14,51,52,53,54/Jim Gohl,17,18,20,21,22,23,25,26,27,33,34,35/Joe Babcock
The format is: location number(s)/Name
The list just gets longer and longer as the user chooses more names from a select list to be submitted on a form.
I would want use a formula to display:
Santa Ana Jim Gohl Joe Babcock
I figured what I could do is count the number of "/" in the string. If the number is > 0 then I want to display the names after the "/"
So far, I have tried to return the full strings after the "/" which would include all numbers. But, I get "True" as output.
What am I doing wrong?
numbervar i;
NumberVar Count1;
If (instr({?VAR_LOCATIONS},"/" > 0) then
Count1 := Count1 +1
Count1 := 0;
If (Count1 > 0) then
for i:=2 to (Count1 + 1) step 1 do
I have an input parameter that returns a string as such:
1/Santa Ana,3,6,15,29,36,11,13,14,51,52,53,54/Jim Gohl,17,18,20,21,22,23,25,26,27,33,34,35/Joe Babcock
The format is: location number(s)/Name
The list just gets longer and longer as the user chooses more names from a select list to be submitted on a form.
I would want use a formula to display:
Santa Ana Jim Gohl Joe Babcock
I figured what I could do is count the number of "/" in the string. If the number is > 0 then I want to display the names after the "/"
So far, I have tried to return the full strings after the "/" which would include all numbers. But, I get "True" as output.
What am I doing wrong?
numbervar i;
NumberVar Count1;
If (instr({?VAR_LOCATIONS},"/" > 0) then
Count1 := Count1 +1
Count1 := 0;
If (Count1 > 0) then
for i:=2 to (Count1 + 1) step 1 do