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experts, can someone help me with "layer" problem ?

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Apr 8, 2001
I have the following problem and I hope You can help me out
Take a look at the following page of my site;

It is possible to start the page with all the layers closed or all the layers opened, and this by changing the value "1" in onLoad="initPage(0, 'full display')".

Now, I want to do the following: I want to start the page with for instancce 1 layer open and 3 closed.

I know you can do this in IE by adding : style=&quot;display:none&quot; in <div id=&quot;MenueREPLChild&quot; class=&quot;child&quot;>

But my site also has to work within Netscape Nav.; So people told me I will have to solve this by using <layer>-tags ....

Is someone familiar with this kind of stuff and can show me concretely how to deal with this problem as I really am no expert in this matter and I need to get my deadline. I would really appreciate your help !

Thanks in advance
Just add this to the <div> tags ---

style=&quot;visibility: hidden&quot;


style=&quot;visibility: visible&quot;

to set your defaults when the page loads, and then you go ahead and manipulate them like you already are to do what you need to do.

Paul Prewett
this does not seem to work;
It has to work with IE as well as with Netscape Nav.

I don't know if I'm doing something wrong; could You change the page for me and send it to my email or put it somewhere online ?

Thanks in advance
with kind regards
Well, I got your page, but was unable to get it to do what you want it to do. It's built up a little differently than what I'm used to...

Development is my strong point, not design. I would suggest you put this thread over in the HTML forum, or even the Dreamweaver forum... they have good people over there, and I bet someone could get you going.

good luck! :)
Paul Prewett

<title> Test</title>
<Script language=&quot;Javascript&quot;>
// This code was created by Reuben Lawrence Owens
// Global variables
var isNav, isIE
var insideWindowWidth
var range = &quot;&quot;
var styleObj = &quot;&quot;
if (navigator.appVersion.charAt(0) >= &quot;4&quot;) {
if (navigator.appName == &quot;Netscape&quot;) {
isNav = true
insideWindowWidth = window.innerWidth

} else {
isIE = true
range = &quot;all.&quot;
styleObj = &quot;.style&quot;
function getObj(obj) {
var theObj;
if (typeof obj == &quot;string&quot;) {
theObj = eval(&quot;document.&quot; + range + obj + styleObj);
} else {
theObj = obj;
return theObj
// Setting the visibility of an object to visible
function show(obj) {
var theObj = getObj(obj)
theObj.visibility = &quot;visible&quot;

// Setting the visibility of an object to hidden
function hide(obj) {
var theObj = getObj(obj)
theObj.visibility = &quot;hidden&quot;

// Cross Plateform Layer obj
function layer_setLayerTable(LayerTable){
this.LayerTable = LayerTable
function layer_setInnerLayer(InnerLayer){
this.InnerLayer = InnerLayer

function layer_writePrototype(doc){
var backgroundcolor = &quot;&quot;;
var position = &quot;&quot;;
var width = &quot;&quot;;
var height = &quot;&quot;;
var visibility = &quot;&quot;;
var top = &quot;&quot;;
var left=&quot;&quot;;

if (this.bgcolor != null) backgroundcolor = &quot;background-color:&quot;+this.bgcolor+&quot;;&quot;;
if (this.position != null) position = &quot;position:&quot;+this.position+&quot;;&quot;;
if (this.width != null) width = &quot;width:&quot;+this.width+&quot;;&quot;;
if (this.height != null) height = &quot;height:&quot;+this.height+&quot;;&quot;;
if (this.visibility != null) visibility = &quot;visibility:&quot;+this.visibility+&quot;;&quot;;
if (this.top != null) top = &quot;top:&quot;+this.top+&quot;;&quot;;
if (this.left != null) left = &quot;left:&quot;+this.left+&quot;;&quot;;

doc.write(&quot;<style type='text/css'>&quot;);
doc.write(this.name + &quot; {&quot;+position+&quot; &quot;+width+&quot; &quot;+height+&quot; &quot;+visibility+&quot; &quot;+top+&quot; &quot;+left+&quot;}&quot;);
if (this.InnerLayer != null) this.InnerLayer.writePrototype(doc);

function layer_write(doc){
var backgroundcolor = &quot;&quot;;
var position = &quot;&quot;;
var width = &quot;&quot;;
var height = &quot;&quot;;
var visibility = &quot;&quot;;
var top=&quot;&quot;;
var left=&quot;&quot;;

if (navigator.appVersion.charAt(0) >= &quot;4&quot;) {
if (navigator.appName == &quot;Netscape&quot;) this.browser = &quot;Nav&quot;
else this.browser = &quot;IE&quot;

if (this.browser == &quot;IE&quot;) {
if (this.bgcolor != null) backgroundcolor = &quot;background-color:&quot;+this.bgcolor+&quot;;&quot;;
if (this.position != null) position = &quot;position:&quot;+this.position+&quot;;&quot;;
if (this.width != null) width = &quot;width:&quot;+this.width+&quot;;&quot;;
if (this.height != null) height = &quot;height:&quot;+this.height+&quot;;&quot;;
if (this.visibility != null) visibility = &quot;visibility:&quot;+this.visibility+&quot;;&quot;;
if (this.top != null) top = &quot;top:&quot;+this.top+&quot;;&quot;;
if (this.left != null) left = &quot;left:&quot;+this.left+&quot;;&quot;;

doc.write(&quot;<div id='&quot;+this.name + &quot;' style= '&quot; +position+&quot; &quot;+backgroundcolor+&quot; &quot;+width+&quot; &quot;+height+&quot; &quot;+visibility+&quot; &quot;+top+&quot; &quot;+left+&quot;' >&quot;)
if (this.data != null) doc.write(this.data);
if (this.LayerTable != null) this.LayerTable.colorWrite(doc);
if (this.InnerLayer != null) this.InnerLayer.write(doc);


else {
if (this.bgcolor != null) backgroundcolor = &quot;BGCOLOR='&quot; + this.bgcolor + &quot;'&quot;;
if (this.width != null) width = &quot;width=&quot; + this.width;
if (this.height != null) height = &quot;height=&quot; + this.height;
if (this.visibility != null) visibility = &quot;visibility='&quot; + this.visibility + &quot;'&quot;;
if (this.top != null) top = &quot;top = &quot;+this.top;
if (this.left != null) left = &quot;left = &quot;+this.left;

doc.write(&quot;<layer name='&quot; + this.name + &quot;' &quot; + width + &quot; &quot; + height + &quot; &quot; + backgroundcolor+&quot; &quot;+visibility+&quot; &quot;+top+&quot; &quot;+left+&quot;>&quot;);

if (this.data != null) doc.write(this.data);
if (this.LayerTable != null) this.LayerTable.colorWrite(doc);
if (this.InnerLayer != null) this.InnerLayer.write(doc);

function layer(name){
this.browser = null
this.position = &quot;absolute&quot;
this.width = null
this.height = null
this.bgcolor = null
this.visibility = null
this.data = null
this.LayerTable = null
this.setLayerTable = layer_setLayerTable
this.setInnerLayer = layer_setInnerLayer
this.write = layer_write
this.writePrototype = layer_writePrototype

<Script language=&quot;JavaScript&quot;>
Test1 = new layer(&quot;First&quot;);
Test1.width = &quot;200&quot;;
Test1.height = &quot;200&quot;;
Test1.bgcolor = &quot;#008000&quot;;
Test1.visibility = &quot;visible&quot;;
Test1.data = &quot;This is the first Layer&quot;;

Test2 = new layer(&quot;Second&quot;);
Test2.width = &quot;200&quot;;
Test2.height = &quot;200&quot;;
Test2.bgcolor = &quot;White&quot;;
Test2.visibility = &quot;hidden&quot;;
Test2.data = &quot;This is the SECOND Layer&quot;;

function Switch(){
var Obj1 = getObj(&quot;First&quot;);
var Obj2 = getObj(&quot;Second&quot;);

if (Obj1.visibility == &quot;show&quot; || Obj1.visibility == &quot;visible&quot;) {
else {


<INPUT TYPE=&quot;button&quot; VALUE=&quot;Switch&quot; onClick=&quot;Switch()&quot; onDblClick=&quot;Switch()&quot;>
<Script language=&quot;Javascript&quot;>
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