I am getting the error: Expected End Of Statement for the following code. What I am trying to do is get the first 5 records from the database.
Set ObjConn = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Connection"
SQLQry2 = "Select * From Journal"
Objconn.Open (Application("Datasource")
Set Objrs = Objconn.Execute(SQLQry2)
For I = 1 to 5
Response.write Objrs("Title"
Next X
I really dont understand why I would get this error, Can someone please explain? Also is there any other wayy of getting the first 5 records like i know how to do a Do WHile not rs.Eof, but is there like a Do while not Rs.Record =>5 or something like that?
Thanks! Gordon R. Durgha
Set ObjConn = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Connection"
SQLQry2 = "Select * From Journal"
Objconn.Open (Application("Datasource")
Set Objrs = Objconn.Execute(SQLQry2)
For I = 1 to 5
Response.write Objrs("Title"
Next X
I really dont understand why I would get this error, Can someone please explain? Also is there any other wayy of getting the first 5 records like i know how to do a Do WHile not rs.Eof, but is there like a Do while not Rs.Record =>5 or something like that?
Thanks! Gordon R. Durgha